
Janice is obviously Jabba… too easy.

Sort of like how Pi is My First Eraserhead.

Yeah seriously, isn't that the exact message at the end of the The Wrestler?

Yo, who compressed that NO picture. That shit's a jpeg. You don't gotta go compress it that much. It's a small filesize already! That's overkill. Shame on you AV Club intern. Shame on you.

I have all of those skills but I live in Toronto. Shitty!

It's true. If there is one thing bureaucratic systems like schools are good at, it's addressing individual issues on a timely and effective basis!

When I was a kid everyone validated my ambition to be an astronaut. I wanted to be one because my exhausted teacher told me it was that or firefighter.

Oh shit, here come the PC police!!!!!!!!

You may have the worst kind of CancerAIDS monsieur.

Unfortunately, that's probably incorrect.

And of course the Kevin Federline article on the main page.

You know people who will randomly have discussions about underrated silent era directors? Damn. My friends suck, do you want to trade?

Yeah, the tank soldier plot did sound cool, but Darabont wanted a whole episode devoted to it. A season premiere. Which is utter insanity. It's cool but what the hell is the point? For a show so terrible at plot progression, having a premiere devoted to a now-dead group of soldiers with zero effect on the main cast

Haha wow. This guy is pure hack. He acknowledges failing twice in a row as showrunner, that bodes well for the confidence and boldness of this show… He doubles as a showrunner and PR man. No budget crisis, no disagreements with Frank. Anyone who has worked creatively with others knows that having no disagreements is

I hate the complaint about men being married being made fun of in movies like these. Have you never had a friend that you teased when they were getting married, particularly the first friend you ever had that got engaged? Even in Phillips movies these jokes are lighthearted and among friends.

I'll "Like" you, even if no one else will…

Don't doubt that they wouldn't do that, if they had the rights to those characters.

She has a song called Lolita, maybe she's self-aware?


Met him in Toronto recently. Super nice guy. Seems pretty modest about his style. So there's that.