
Same, I just respect myself less.

I've never seen it, but I act like I think its a masterpiece so people will talk to me.

Introduced to Jessica Drake through radio. You're doing it wrong @avclub-6e81b4b2cccb03cf163e23582effced9:disqus

I read that book too.

You are correct in that Thirty Minutes over Tokyo is awesome. One of my favourite episodes. Top 3. I don't know why. I just love it.

Because now she has life-long marketing potential. Think of the ease to tie her in to different products like perfumes, alcohol, clubs, clothing lines. She isn't a person. She's a brand.

Sort of, except it really would have weak effects, probably having detrimental effects to my stamina unless, using an alchemy table coupled with my high alchemy skill, I combined it with other ingredients to create a Potion of Greater Stamina. That's when it really comes in handy. Thanks Jay-Z.


I like this guy. You're booked!

It's because he stated his opinion based on his own personal experiences which are different than other people's personal experiences which then offends those people. That's where he went wrong.

Awful when the PC police are around. Shhh here they come..

Blue Ivy? I onced harvested that in Skyrim.

He probably saw Meek's Cutoff and was like, "BUT WHERE'S THE DIALOGUE MAAAAAAANNNN???"

I love this guy. It's not that his picks are necessarily absurd, aside from the extremely obvious Armond White style trolls like Jack and Jill and movies that are in no way similar to each other BUT it's what he writes about them that are baffling. Is there a more pretentious person in the entire world?

That's probably why it was removed from the original site, @avclub-7e9d7bf9fca0d81a31df4f127d2e945d:disqus , I believe that Wan and Tarantino are acquainted, so it'd be pretty awkward if a big shot genre guy like Tarantino openly hated your little indie genre movie. I mean, the cat's out of the bag now, but you know.

If it's in stores and online now why didn't you provide us with a link? What a jerk co-worker you are Keith!

The pilot of Lost was pretty good eh guys? Who's sticking around to find out who the convict is?! I bet it's the shady guy who smokes and won't talk to anyone. He's really suspicious!

Well what else is he going to love? FOOD?

Because if the world always catered to the best of the best, it would be an entirely different world and we'd hate them for not giving shitty people a chance or something.

He's now The Artist Formerly Known As Harry Potter