
She's some internet indie singer who got popular on the blogs and the tumblrs and all those things that kids that you yell at for loitering use to communicate with.

Because they needed something to fill that category!

Yes sir.


Heard Biehn talk at a festival about his role here and how it's "up there" with Aliens and Terminator. Dare to dream!

Yeah this movie was totally made in response to that. It's the world record for fastest ripped-from-the-headlines production ever, even Jack Bauers head is spinning!

That's cute. You said it was kinda like another Wes Anderson. I got it. It was a good one.

If you squint, Norton is kind of like Luke here…


Don't worry, when she dies we'll all pretend like we never made fun of her and loved her unconditionally.

No pickles in your burger? Oh, you're one of those people.

1 movie.

She's old and all this hippity hop these days steals from Buddy Holly and isn't real music!

Shut up, he opened himself up to snide comments!!!!!!

I have a friend who is apparently at end game content and says it's buggy as hell. I assume they polished up the low level stuff from all the beta testing, where only a small fraction of people made it to max-level areas, so almost all of the feedback and data came from early game stuff. Makes sense. And like any MMO

Well George Lucas stayed far enough away from this product for it to be considered sanitary.

These were all fake stories/images created by nerdraging internet trolls. It has been denied by players and Bioware and no actual evidence of any banning of this kind exists.

*sigh* Another one? Well… alright then. Down the hall and to the left please.

Edited to remove embarrassing term that you then re-added to your edit note…………

Agreed @avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus I particularly enjoy the fact that it is not a movie that came out 3 months ago.