
Still probably better than the other candidates, @avclub-96a0c51f8cc486d9259f7f1868cef588:disqus

Who the fuck wrote this thing? Is this a joke? Are you still hung over?

They were called liberals because they were nothing but little pussies and they were called conservatives because they were nothing but meatheads.

Always thought both Y and Under The Dome would be great TV shows because of their serialized nature. Glad at least one is being made.

Nitpick note: Rockstar didn't work on LA Noire at all, they just published it. Team Bondi did all the development. Although, as you said in your other post, Rockstar's name probably hurt more than helped (not commercially, obviously)

Agreed on the development of his character @avclub-09b32d4543fc2ee24d95a7a08b215d1d:disqus however the development was drawn out at such slow rates that it wasn't coherent or interesting.

LA Noire. EASILY. With no close competition. And I wasn't even one of those people who expected GTA in the 1940s.

No, I think they downplayed it because Ridley Scott said the alien (xenomorph or whatever) won't be in it. So, to the general populace, that is Alien. If they watch an Alien prequel and see no alien they will shit bricks and the general public will condemn this false advertising.

I would say there is a tone to the Alien franchise. It's always dark, desolate, and grim with humans in a state of desperation. Each director took their own approach in terms of genre and plot but the tone remained the same.

Agreed. Massively underrated.

Or Antichrist where the fox just flapped its jaw.

Yeah, which is what happened at my office. Fortunately, they are just stupid. The Hobbit is full of songs and music, maybe more than LOTR, I can't recall anymore, but it's awesome that Jackson is letting us know that the music will be prominent with this trailer. Because Dwarf music is awesome, nerds!

This is Christopher Nolan we're talking about folks. 
Remember Ken Watanabe from Inception? Not an English word was spoken all movie as far as I could tell.

I imagined something closer to A SERBIAN FILM

Antichrist is secretly his best movie.

Yeah shitty conveyance O'Neal!!!!!!

Are these things that people say about Sarah Palin true? I always hear something new that is bafflingly stupid. Surely they all can't be true.

@avclub-4aeae10ea1c6433c926cdfa558d31134:disqus Always was curious about the boobs in the pilot. I had assumed that it was what you said, but then they had more boobs in (i think) S3 when they have the flashback of Jesse blowing Walt's lifesavings at the strip club instead of buying the RV. AMC, we want more

Until he gets to the end zone and decides, yeah, the explosions probably stop here.

Sure @avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus but if that's the case, why did he just stop at the end zone and turn around? Did he know that Bane would reward winners and not implode the endzone?!?!