
Yeah, fuck Paul Gross. It's natural to resent him. He makes our struggling film scene a gross parody of American prestige films, without the self-awareness. And every one of his movies bomb yet we all love him and Telefilm gives him unlimited money. Fuck that guy sucks.


No, that's what the G-rated trailer playing before movies for old ladies makes them think. Then once they've paid their $8 seniors ticket, BAM nudity and sexual abuse and disgusting organs growing out of pornstars armpits FUCK YEAH


Because it's Cronenberg, as you pointed out in another post. Literally nothing about this movie looks interesting aside from promises of spanking, a Mortensen take on Freud, and Cronenberg.

Brotherhood's inclusion of recruitment and teams is enough to justify its existence. I was super annoyed with it initially but when I first got a group of assassin's and was able to call them when a target was running away from me and watch another assassin leap out of a haystack and pounce on him, I realized that the

The wacky plot is fun, I agree. The ending is balls-to-the-wall out there and I thought it was a great twist. Nonsensical and absurd, but totally fun and involving in its own way.

How long were you waiting to find an article that few enough people would care about that you could post that?

This exactly. The show lost me instantly when the protagonist suddenly didn't like having slaves. That's quite the progressive view! We consider Nucky on Boardwalk Empire to be progressive for his (relative) respect for women, but this is something else.

Game was decent, but Castle Crashers came out around the same time on PSN and was insanely better. Shops in Scott Pilgrim were a bitch to find, had no useful info in their description, and no online co-op. Boo-urns!

I respectfully disagree on all points.

Where the Wild Things Are left me cold, unlike this one.

Agreed. The comics are awesome and with so many adaptations not having proper balance of loyalty to their subject and courage to reshape that material to fit as a movie, Scott Pilgrim is a very welcome reminder that such a balance CAN be achieved. It is necessarily cut down to pull out subplots and character while

I approve of this accurate zing.

This was neat.

And 300 sucks too.

[extremely unpopular opinion alert ]

It seems to be confused about whether it wants to be a historical… thing, or a Frank Miller super-cool-version of history with dutch angles and badass mother fuckers! It's leaning much more to the latter.

This show. Is fucking horrible.

Much better than last year. The themes and "in those days…" elements are dialed way down and more focused. The cast is bigger with more interesting characters opposed to just checking off a list of "most popular gangsters from the 1920s" like last year. Many of the really dull plots have been cut down drastically,