
Saw this at TIFF, the only other von Trier movie I had seen was Antichrist and I found this MUCH less effective than that.

No, but his PR agent's intern sure can write up a mean apology letter!

For non-fiction, anyone have thoughts on Winter Soldier? Netflix keeps telling me to watch it. I read up on it, not a lot of info, but apparently it was banned for a long while because it negatively portrayed US soldiers for murdering a village of innocents shortly after the war.


Possible Hustler photoshoot?

They have "I" Phones now?

You sicken me.

Fair point.

Agree. I don't have much interest in seeing this, but any of these "types" of movies are always trashed by AV more based on their extreme content than the quality of the film. But then there are periodic articles that go deeper than reviews that change that stance like Martyrs New Cult Canon and Halloween specials

I don't think that holds water. Games that have any depth to them have gameplay mechanics that take time to learn and develop. Players who are too excited to get straight to the action and never get around to learning them will always find the game frustrating, not to the games fault but their own.

I was willing to hear him out, until he said Uncharted 2 was "forgiven" because of its good narrative.

Whatever, if this is what it takes to get teenagers to watch something with discourse about classism and other 'themes' then GOOD. It's like hiding vegetables in a delicious treat. It's themes are simplistic and obvious, but for it's intended audience, it's more than they are used to.

Joss Whedon sucks.

*failing to resist hater urge*
Joss Whedon sucks…. can't wait for Avengers to disappoint and Whedon blame studios *relieved*

In Canada, we call them webPAGES thank you very much.


I'm already laughing at you for buying music in the first place.

Yeah I got the feeling that Tasha hadn't seen The Thing (Carpenter's) in a really long time, or just didn't understand it. Her complaints about this movie would seem like complaints about the original, but she calls it classic, so I don't really get it.

*dies of natural causes, peacefully*

Flaw: when too many people reply to something you are unable to reply to the last person, so you must reply to the person earlier in the thread. This person may suffer from getting a billion notifications and no one is talking to them.