
They sort of have that, it's called Klout: The Narcissism Aggregator. Google Klout because I'm afraid of putting URLs in comments sections.

Across all my social networks, I have at least 2000 friends. How about you, loser?

I liked you. Your welcome!

All hail Kang

You've got to help yourself first, friend.

I hope this becomes a meme.

Are you talking about Demon's Souls or Shadow of the Colossus?

It is hard the first time through since the game offers you only the vaguest hints of how to topple a colossi. 15 wasn't so bad aside from the hand. The first small armoured one (11 I think) is a bastard and the final colossi is easy but frustrating when you don't know what to do when you get into his second hand.

That's Jim Carrey.

I've watched the pilot like 4 times now. Each time I planned on getting into it and didn't. Finally my girlfriend and I planted ourselves down, and while the first season drags a bit, by the time it ends you'll be ready for more, and when Season 2 starts… good luck stopping. Best show on TV.

Too true. This and Shadow of the Colossus are amongst the few modern games that I have actually felt a deep satisfaction from succeeding. Sure, I get frustrated as FUCK plenty too, but because of that there is a satisfaction earned that you don't get in many hand-holding modern games.

Exactly. Demon's Souls put on the facade of being brutal and punishing, but in reality, each enemy and each boss had a very specific weakness that could be exploited leaving the player basically unharmed. The challenge was in discovering this weakness amongst a DEEP system of techniques, weapons, upgrades, and magic

Come on, I am all for suspending my disbelief, but let's not pretend like what happened is even remotely possible. Let's just all accept that it was a fittingly super-villainy death of absurd proportions that was cool because it was done well.

I'll be that guy and say yes and no. Ebert's reviews can sometimes be entertaining, but most often his wit just comes off as condescending and often times he rambles on about some unrelated subject, usually political, to help illustrate a point that makes no sense to begin with, like how he was right about video games

No Rosemary's Baby was not camp. Not at all. That's just stupid. It pulled back its curtains at the end in a way that was in contrast with the rest of the movie. Not camp though.

Good thing I checked this review, how will I know if it's okay to publicly endorse a comedian without AV Club zeitgeist informing the repercussions of that decision!?!

Prove it.

Heheh, Rabin and Todd VanD

Better question… if we pay extra so we can keep the glasses, where do we benefit because we all assume that they will add the same charge onto the next 3D movie you see, despite the fact you already have a pair of 3D glasses from the last movie you saw. So you'll just stockpile 3D glasses, inevitably leading to mass

You're telling this story to a bunch of strangers on the internet and admitted they didn't hear you but it's still a highlight for you? I don't know whether to commend you for honesty or laugh. I am truly conflicted.