
I was hoping for Bluray…

Turn the lights off!

It's a pretty stupid statement on Rabin's part. He comes off of Cop Out with everyone criticizing himself for not even trying and now he tries to make up for it and bust his ass with something different and fails because he tried "too hard". No wonder the guy hates critics.

This review is surprisingly positive, yet it gets a B-. Though I don't like Smith this sounds like it deserves higher but got a B- just because it's Kevin Smith.

Love how he ends all his responses with disregarding any potential future criticisms of anything. He's covering all his bases right off the bat here.

Here in Canada we don't have a queue because Netflix doesn't give a fuck about us.

Well at least you could keep it to a personal blog and off shitty movie DVD covers.

Shut up, nerd.

That guy hates everything. Outstanding critic, but man, his twitter feed is fucking depressing.

I saw From Up On Poppy Hill last night. Thought it was nice, great "old school" animation, more grounded story. Felt it flip-flopped a bit hard on the dynamics of the characters relationship, but overall was great.

I really like your review of this comment thread. Props.

Yeah I love how television takes advantage of zombies after they stop being scary, they start making them into games and jokes (just realized, is that a meta joke for Shaun of the Dead itself??)

I'd like to subscribe to your New Cult Canon's. You have summed up the film perfectly.

I watched Bronson to familiarize myself with the director. Have pretty mixed feelings about it.
Pusher trilogy is on Netflix, think I should try it? I've heard passionate things on both sides of the argument for Valhalla Rising.

Nice, I'm checking out 5 films (and 2 more if I can get them when tickets are released)
Martha May Marlene Whatever
The Artist
Kill List

That's America though. In both World Wars they just sat around, watched it develop, then lifted their feet off their desks and said, "well, looks about time we wrap this thing up and take all the credit".

Yeah, who cares? What did I miss by not watching Lone Star? Sure, I'd like all good shows to last, but I'm not going to watch 10 hours of unresolved plots even if the writing is sharp.

Don't tell Jack what he can't do.

You mean the LAST episode!?!?!?

Snobs! I like this band. Haven't heard this album though.