
Yes, this should be a series. "Dan Whitney" seems like an alright guy after all…

Unfortuantely the short length of AV reviews doesn't consider what is required for games. You can sum up a movies qualities in a few paragraphs and be fairly thorough but games have so many facets to cover, it doesn't quite work. AV's game reviews are sometimes nice because they focus on the artistic ends of games

maybe you should stop trying to be so clever for once!

I'm pretty pumped to play this, I've been playing the first game (for the first time!) and it's genius, it's amazing how ahead of it's time it was and how it still holds up so well today.

1.33:1 is just a more pretentious way to say 4:3. Way to go Sean!

He does. It is also playing at TIFF this year. These two would make a great double feature.

My favorite thing is how firsties get several likes. Long Live Firsties!!!

Oh dear god, the user pictures are all broken!!!!

Saw the trailer for this the other day
Looked like Kick-Ass, Super, Defendor. But a lot more disturbing, in a bad way.

you must be new here.

Yes that is weird, because it doesn't have that many overt political references layered with unnecessary artistic flourishes.

Fright Night.
Extra cash.


Well that's subjective, and you can only find the answer by looking within yourself.

I'm sure this has been said in this thread, but I think it was Hank's reception of Gale that got to Walt. He's always fretted about what his family would think of him as a drug dealer and hearing Hank not talk about Heisenberg in disgust, but in some sort of admiration to call him a "genius" must have really tore into

Can anyone please remind me what movie that image is from. I'm thinking Nightmare on Elm St 3, but not sure…

I often find it difficult to get into an old game that I had previously missed. However I just started playing Deus Ex for the first time and it's AMAZING. How ahead of it's time that it is, how in depth that it is. It's "choice" system is way more in dpeth than any game today. ITS AMAZING. How did I miss it???

As much as I like AV talking about games, I wish there was more meat on this article. I mean, Zelda is such a massively influential, groundbreaking game. Sure, it's nice to say nostalgic things hold up and it's a fun game, but there is so much to talk about and dissect here.

Simpsons always did that sort of stuff, especially in it's prime years. Take "Homer They Fall" where Homer becomes a boxer. Initially, the episode is about Bart getting his new belt stolen by bullies and Homer trying to be a better parent by intervening. Only after he gets pummeled by the kids dads does the boxing

Good call Gray, I will now steal your astute observation to look smart in front of my friends!