
You could download it too, but Youtube is in the safe moral bubble of legality!

I got Metro 2033 used and while the atmosphere is great and feels real rather than American version of shitty Russia, the game is so budget it's hard to maintain enjoyment. I can only shuffle through so much horrible programming and lack of polish before reminding myself that the atmosphere is good and forcing myself

I'm 12, what's going on in this thread?

Do I have to watch the previous 800 Harry Potter's to understand what the fuck is going on here?

I liked her first movie
Juno, better.

oh fuck no
Not this bitch again.

His bitching was to make you stop bitching!

I don't speak jive

Hey Ice T's still cool!

Mrs. Miniver! It won the Best Picture Oscar in like…… 1942 because it was so relevant at the time. It was essentially a "keep going!" message to the British who were getting bombarded and terrified of what would happen on their home turf if they lost the war, and at the time, the public thought it was a very real

Hey HipsterDBag, what do you do for a living?

Oh yeah.. also..
The climbing system was idiotic as you'd cling to objects way too much; the angst-fueled romance was fucking annoying.

First one was fucking horrible
Enemies spot you miles away. They all have sniper accuracy. Tedious trips into sewer systems all the time. Incoherent plot. Shitty "good-karma" powers. Annoying powerless areas. Inexcusably repetitive side missions. Laughable attempt at moral system.

Also I got the special golden shotgun that doubled as a pimp cane when you walked slowly with it.

I really loved Saints Row 1. Was much more enjoyable than GTA4 for me. I loved the Insurance Fraud minigame.

Sega.. lol their god damn consoles. The Saturn comes to mind, although that was more timing and shitty games than the console.

I remember playing Virtual Boy. It held my attention for about 10 minutes.

Sony is just an arrogant company that spends money researching tons of shit, then when someone gets there first, they refuse to give up and just push their research to the consumers anyway. Betamax, MiniDisc, UMD, Bluray. Some of their formats worked, Blu, for example, but mostly Sony is one of the reasons why

Yeah I went from intrigued to RUN AWAY. Although this looks so gloriously cheesy that it might be worth watching for free…

I haven't had sex with a midget yet.