
To be fair, in response to E.Buzz, you could also say:

Fuck Rogers. I would take whatever bullshit American companies give over their bullshit any day. Their criminal rates and complete disinterest in trying is simply because they basically own the market with Bell. They don't give a fuck.

Thanks Ghost Chili, you were very uncunty about it when you could have torn my asshole asunder.

Past that point. Everyone is just salivating over the money to be made and every extra demands to be a part of this new movie. Somehow I imagine this movie will be even bigger and more "epic" than LOTR which of course makes no sense.

Pitt's proven to become complacent in his older age. His earlier films were filled with pretty bold choices, Fight Club, 12 Monkeys… etc etc but in the last 5 years or maybe more it's pretty much been Brad Pitt being Brad Pitt. Not that I have a problem with leading men, but he doesn't have the same sense of

Been watching all of Malick's movies this past week for this release. I had only previously seen The New World before I knew who Malick was and Spielberg was my favourite director, so yeah, it bored me. However, I have now watched all of his movies up to New World (do that one tomorrow) and they are all awesome. I was

Bradley Cooper: Hey everyone, I'm a douchebag.

Born Like This is a fucking great album. So FUCK

I watched the pilot and I come into these reviews just to see the tone of the responses, and I think I'll continue just seeing those first two episodes. Good call, me!

Rabin took a swipe at the commenters in the first paragraph. Amazing!

Isn't this game inaccurate in it's representation of LA? I thought that they incorporated different parts of the city built later to just expand the map because it's fucking gigantic and I'm pretty sure LA wasn't this big in 1947.

Of course, the critical community isn't allowed to give A+, it's part of their code.

Yeah, the character is a bit disappointing, same with the plot. I'm about 60% through and the closest they seemed to get to "noir" is the menu screen. Most of the game takes place in broad daylight in the 40s where you play as the most by-the-books detective of all time and any partner who dares to defy the system is

I agree dygitalninja, the system needs more depth to really work. It's a good system, but one that begs for a sequel to build on its foundation. There have been a couple cases where someone I am interviewing will say something that will directly contradict some information I received from someone earlier. I like this


Both of those THAT SCENE were more outrageous than scary, though it may be because I'm in an office midday. They clearly don't have subtlety but that could work. I guess I'll watch The Exorcist sequels now… I still want to see Part 2 just because sometimes I like watching a slow, burning, train wreck.

No you didn't.

inb4 thread disappears into the internet

I'm listening to it right now
And am enjoying it quite a bit. Nothing about it stands out in particular, but it flows nicely. It's too inoffensive to disappoint, it's too mellow to excite. I think I'm okay with that

I hate Oprah