
The drug in Scanner Darkly is like the drug in the movie adaptation of Max Payne. It has no positive effects whatsoever yet its still rampant and causes people to go nuts.

Oh god. I so wish they would make another Carmaggedon.

I liked this episode a lot. Bringing Modell back for another go would have been pretty safe, I liked that they incorporated a second Pusher, even if the twists were less than stellar.

Season 10 has the Tokyo episode which will always be one of my favorites.

I haven't read one of these write ups in a couple weeks. Significant improvements Rabin! This one was great.

Ghost in the Machine
Wasn't that a Season 1 X-FIles episode about an evil computer that wanted bloooodd?!

Spoilers is always sort of grey but in regards to movies like this, you know the twist already. You know the twist to Citizen Kane, you know the twist to The Sixth Sense. If you don't, you don't use the internet.

Aren't there random shots of cows in his version?

Inside Man? Like the one with Clive Owen and Denzel? Willem Dafoe is in that? WTF

All of these mentions of scenes are making me mad that I'm not watching this movie right now.

Herrmann scores in order of awesomeness:
1. Vertigo
2. Taxi Driver
3. Psycho
4. Day The Earth Stood Still
bonus: Twisted Nerve theme

too long; did not read.

And eyebrows.

I'm gonna watch this movie WITH the gimmicks and they will temporarily heighten the experience for me!

I'm quite good, thanks.


Can they have a feature for Netflix Canada?

It's a good screenplay, but it beats you over the head so much it's not THAT good. The late movie scene where Dunaway is getting lectured because THIS ISNT A MOVIE IM NOT AN ACTOR THIS IS REAL LIFE goes on and on about a theme that's already nailed into our minds.

Best double feature ever: