
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead was certainly a huge surprise for me. I saw it at Toronto Film Festival, expecting not a whole much, in fact I almost skipped it, ended up being his best film in decades. It doesn't hold a candle to Network or 12 Angry Men, but it's terrific.

Also AN OCCURRENCE ON OWL CREEK BRIDGE which wasn't an original episode, rather a short film re-cut for the show, is still terrific.

While I love many that have been said here, specifically Five Characters, Midnight Sun, and It's A Good Life, I have to add:

That was fantastic! I really hope alt-text becomes a trend!

He should write more, dare I say he's my fav writer here?

I wish there was just a channel where they showed naked people all the time…

This news is SHIT

This show is gonna go down the shitter, who to blame?!?

I get it, but still bullshit
If HBO said "oh everyone thinks this is just Goodfellas and they've seen it before" and canned it, it would have been tragic. Sometimes you gotta stick your neck out for these kinds of shows and, obviously they have potential, so that they can actually find an audience and become really


Betty's dad from Mad Men
NEEDS to play John McCain. I'm still not convinced that his isn't actually John McCain himself.

It's not that she doesn't deserve criticism - she does, it's just that she's a child. And this is the problem with children being actors or musicians, they don't understand or are able to handling criticism. It's taken personally, and you can't blame them, it's how everyone that age reacts.


Is Oz good?
I never hear people talk about it. Does it drop in quality at some point? Lots of soap dropping?

I want to apologize for hating on Rabin so hard last week. So these articles don't go through the same quality control as some other AVC articles - it's still better than NOT having them.

Tracy Morgan? That was "Sons of No One" fella. I heard it was terrible.

Good call on The Red Shoes tibber — watched it a week or so ago and it looks downright amazing.

You've stirred a pot here.

I saw this for the first time recently on Netflix. I wasn't a huge fan, and I thought the nail clipping/butt fingering scene was more talk-worthy than the butter scene. I guess they both have their merits….

Haha, so true Kosmonaut.