
And isn't this a common thing in Steven King movies? The whole time everyone is saying "there must be a logical explanation!" and it ends with, "No."

Or They Live? Not really a conspiracy, but you do find out that people are actually aliens, right? Struggling to remember other movies about people who might be aliens and then actually are…

And on that note, they should really include the Jonathan Demme one, sure, it'd be redundant with this one on the list, but both of them are damn good movies.

about the brainwashers that is.

I believe you are correct.

I know this kid who says that about literally every movie he's ever seen. Except for A Single Man, he was just terribly confused.

I only remember when he claimed they had Stealth enabled helicopters so you could be followed and not know, and then when the helicopters do come for them, the pilot goes "enable stealth mode" or something and flips a little switch and the propellor stops making noise.

What about Rosemary's Baby?

Great article and I agree. TV is certainly in it's golden age.. or it's golden age is ending. Now that artistic, ambitious television is largely the norm, or at least not unusual, it's going to standardize itself and networks are going to start finding ways to sell it, just like what happened to movies. Remember the

I dunno, an open world Terminator… it would be no fun to explore. It would all be grey destroyed buildings and endless skulls…

oh yeah
Didn't he say the same thing about The Departed? Is he going to say the same thing about every movie he is in that isn't a complete bomb?

Staff members in a firstie thread?
This is the beginning of the end, people.

Um, it's Audio Video Club guys.

Too bad Splatterhouse already came out. Oh well, we can wait for MURDERHEAVEN or FETUS HOMOCIDE right?

Nothing exciting or weird has occured in any game review, I'm still waiting for the day we get a games FEATURE that is recurring and awesome.

I agree that this review is better than average for AVC games, but you pointed that out weakly Mike R, as noted by other comments. I give your review of the review a C. Stick to what you know man!

I was considering taking a look at the plot of this series since from what I know it involves totalitarian regimes, mass propaganda, and all that type of shit which is interesting and cooler to build a story around than "brainwashed CIA operative in Vietnam" or whatever the fuck Black Ops was about.

I'm on team Curly here.


I thought the same thing FidelAstro. Looks more like someone dug out a bunch of stuff from an old supplies closet and stacked it together to sort of look like a person, likely to fill in for them at their desk while they went home early, and took a picture.