
Winner For Funniest Show Because Its Not Happening To You:

My roommate LOVES dubbstep, likely because he discovered it at the same time he discovered MDMA so, there's that.

What's the point of even reviewing this show? You go in knowing what you're getting… there isn't really a level quality that it is expected to meet, even the shittiest episode of Jersey Shore is just as good as the best episode — this show exists in some vortex where quality is irrelevant and can't be applied in any

Fuck all of you.

I thought Green Hornet looked like an obvious cash-in on Gondry's part because the studios wont fund he's weird french shit anymore… but then I saw a TV spot with some crazy action scenes like one where everyone was moving 1/10th speed except Rogen who was kicking them all in the face real time. It was pretty

Rabin reviews all the shit B-movies that somehow get theatrical distribution then he gives them an ironic high grade.

I love 21 Grams.. but I could take or leave Babel. I though certain storylines were interesting, but the Japanese shit could have been cut no problem, I don't care how thematically related it is.

True Grit and The Fighter. Both were amazing. The Fighter being slightly better than expected and True Grit being slightly worse… but both are still probably ending up among my top 3 for the year.

No love for Robert Patrick in The X-Files eh.

My family has apparent trouble remembering the movies I'm interested in, so I got a gift card so I could grab stuff myself, which is OK with me - I picked up Inception and The Exorcist blurays in addition to Fallout New Vegas from my brother which is better than Fallout 3, glitches be damned!

Lobsters won this thread.

Oh as for American. I haven't seen it but my (reasonably) trustworthy friends are singing it praises.

I would seriously lol if Phipps posted another apology after they discovered Rabin was actually ZMF all along.

The joke was pretty good, all things considered.


Ahh, the D-, return of the gentlemans F.

Don't know if this thread is still talking about it, but Big Bang Theory sucks a whole bag of balls.

Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, a crazy Kwanzaa, a tip-tot Tet, and a solemn, dignified Ramadan.

I love his Esquire interview because the interviewer absolutely deserved his abuse. His questions ranged from "You were skinny in The Machinist, what's up with that?" to "Thank god for Pixar!"

Bart: If you really wanted us to be neater, you'd serve us out of one
long bowl.
Marge: You're talking about a trough. We're not going to eat from a
trough. And another thing, it's only 5:15. Why are you in your
Bart: Hey, this ain't the Ritz.