
I'm not one to make assumptions, but Ebert is licking Kubrick's ghostly ballsack and even if it were footage of Jesus himself Ebert would proclaim that Kubrick was right for cutting it.

It makes sense you thought you saw this because I'm sure there are 10,000 depressing Oscar bait stories exactly like this with no way of telling them apart.

Really? A director with a shit-stain of a filmography and two aged actors clearly cashing a paycheck makes Righteous Kill created by track records?

Surely in the crossover event in Season 2 with Walking Dead we might see some. Might.

My girlfriend once talked through a whole episode of Lost.



M Night is allowed to make the bad guys Indians because he is one therefore not racist.

AV knew putting Hot Tub Time Machine would get commenters flaming, that's why they used it as the image on the article too!
Need that ad revenue somehow!!

This is 90% of the way to just being a list of annual romantic comedies.

We're all out of "Bort" licence plates.

It is an eternally tough question.

Small scale character based twists can still rile up an audience and cause a lot of buzz. Think about showing Locke in the wheelchair and without it in Lost. It was too early for mythology but it was the kind of authentic surprise that sold the show for me.

Nevermind, crucial moment has been restored to my memory bank.

I'll have to watch this episode again because I don't recall Scully's cancer being mentioned here. I mean it's formally mentioned a few episodes later, but don't remember anything about it here.

I respect the apology. Letting us know the writer is terminated is a good way to maintain good faith and show good ethics. I never really question the legitimacy of an AV Club review or article, and this reinforces that.

Good analysis of District 9, can I sign up for your newsletter?

Anyone see the HBO documentary "High on Crack Street" where they follow the real life Dickie and his crackhead/heroin junkie friends? It's pretty fucked up but massively entertaining especially if you live in a big enough city to see these people walking around all the time and you wonder "what do they do with their


Ralphie is funny at least.