
I suppose its the natural evolution of the genre which was always meant to keep you on edge. When The Exorcist came out I'm sure a lot of people couldn't eat while watching that, hell I'd say that most horror directors would consider their films failures if you could sit and eat while watching them.


Best song
is totally "The Game Has Changed"

These comments used be something, they coulda been a contender.

I can't believe this argument is actually happening

Yeah I've heard pretty much unanimously terrible things about this game.

It's a bit concerning to think that they are teaching children to talk to televisions now. Didn't they warn us about this in Fahrenheit 451?

Also I might be drunk

Am I to believe that people are upset because the no-name writers of this show will now go home with no turkey for Christmas?

That Tree of Life post will forever live in infamy.

But shes not in Michael Bay films anymore, which means she'll fall of the radar in a couple years.

Yeah don't the last episodes of most of the early seasons actually exist between seasons? Airing after season finales but in the summer before the next season? I read that on Wikipedia I believe, so in the DVD sets those episodes are attached to the season that had ended before they aired.


Shutter Island was not great. It was alright, but yeah, the twist was painfully obvious and yet they devote a huge chunk of time to explain it to all the dolts who don't get it. It's certainly a lesser Scorsese work but because it is a Scorsese work it gets awards buzz for some reason.

Nah, Zodiac is definitely better.

Never! As long as distributors keep hoping his cultists will get away from their fleshlights and podcasts long enough to actually pay to see one of his movies!

I'd like season 2 Dexter as well, but he is still totally selfish now. He gladly sees his step-children off and totally neglects his own son, only using him as a distraction when he's trying to steal something.

This has been the most enjoyable??! Season 3 and 4 had their serious faults but they were way more interesting and involving than this boring ass season that decided to have 8 episodes of nothing and then cram all the plot, suspense, and twists into the last 4 episodes.

Seconded Man on the Moon even if it's a pretty straightforward biopic.

What about Tony's mom on The Sopranos.