
I guess we won't be seeing that magic trick.

Johnny Depp as the Riddler
Eddie Murphy as the Riddler
Megan Fox as Catwoman

But it worked
when they did it for Arnold that one time.

Yeah De Niro fucked himself with that godawful Good Shepard.

I saw this movie for the first time in a movie theatre only a few months ago. I went in a bit skeptical of the praise and worried it might be too dated. But holy shit, I was hooked early, and hard. It's an absolutely amazing movie. When I went home I discovered Criterion was going to be releasing it.

Frailty definitely kicks ass. I can't think of any other one-offs so I can't really contribute hereā€¦

But I'm in Canada!

if you've got canceraids and you know it, clap your hands!

The Event is the show itself, so meta!

Or be Axl Rose. That'll get people against you.

Where is Heroes?!?

Lost definitely doesn't count. There is no suggestion that a new group have more adventures on the island. In fact, judging by the cheeriness of Ben and Hugo to each other in the afterlife, you assume they had a pretty easy going time.

Cynthia should probably register as a gimmick poster.

Have you seen 127 Hours? Can you verify that his role is average and just gimmicky awards grab? I've heard it's actually quite good.

Yeah he was great in A Single Man. And he was less gay-Oscar-baiting than Sean Penn!

Honestly don't know what the gerbil thing is about. What is it?

There were only two parts, so I don't know what you are talking about.

But Crazy Gibberish, plain old glass cups can't fill you with the self pride that you were THERE, man.

Possibly, it does seem like he doesn't buy it 100%, but he does at least know enough to not pry.

Wow. Nintendo historian.
Best name ever.