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Thank you for clearly explaining your post in immaculate detail.

Guess we're all fucked
because how many porn sites have these disturbing ads in the sidebar? I can never concentrate when Lisa is other there… doing things…

I agree that a movie shouldn't be knocked for something it's not going for, but also, in movies that are as dreary as this one, you usually need a least some lightheartedness to shock some life into a movie that would otherwise be a fucking miserable two hours. I mean, again, it's not always necessary, 21 Grams was

Whoa this is the most accepting Crash thread I've ever seen on this site. Good job Werner and Baxter you have successfully deflected the trolls.

His racist racism.

King of Comedy is good, but it's not THAT good.

now my post in the above thread just looks pathetic.

White cop unfamiliar with hip hop eh. So your racist?

It's funny I knew this thread would be here.

Oh dear what have I done

Well no desert for you then.

The movie Network
wants it's pitch back.

Enjoy your cancerapple, serpent.

Why does Ripley even need to be in it? Not like she knew of any of the aliens before the first movie. Seems like they are just shoveling the character in there for justification for the movie.

Damn I'm on Season 3 of The Wire… looking forward to 4.

Dasani has a more elegant name therefore I drink it.

It's funny how they make out public schools to be a big deal so when you are there it is the biggest deal in the world. I'd love nothing more than to travel back in time and retake those grades and just not give a fuck and end up in the exact same place I am today.

"you can hear him giggling" You can hear people in emails now?

Homer: You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college!
Bart: I don't think any of us expected him to say that.