
But Shia said it would be good!

Maybe in Spider-Man the Musical. I hear they cast people across gender in those stage musical things which is creepy and erotic.

M Night Shaymaladabingdong is smacking himself now for not thinking of such a devious twist.

tomorrow. Every time you ask the answer is tomorrow.

Well obviously the studio is going to play up the combat? Are you serious, you expect a fucking STUDIO to promote dialogue and slow cinematography? They are gonna run fucking ads on prime time pulling people in with promises of philosophy and nature? You must have a very poor grasp on how marketing works because let

Well Criterion = A so….

This discussion is not relevant to my interests.

HOLY SHIIIIT this movie looks good my calendar is fucking booked

Tony Scott learned about cinematography from the Final Cut Pro school of Video Effects where he used every video filter offered by the program at least 3 times.

Well Hurwitz is basically saying in this interview, if you like Arrested Development and think it's funny and clever and intelligent then you won't like Running Wilde because it's exactly the opposite, like Arrested Development in bizzaro world.

I have a Roman accent, will that do?

ZMF firstie??!?!?!

Didn't Wes Anderson direct Mr. Fox over phone/Skype or some shit.

I can not believe my assumption of secondsies ended up as a firsties. This is truly my lowest moment.

this is the second show cancelled and I've seen neither.

You're Fired
And I'm second.

Really? I think Quinn is the most interesting non-Dexter character. Doakes was goofy and over-the-top and you hated to hate him, but at least you like hating Quinn.

Wait, what? They changed showrunners AGAIN? wtf is wrong with this show.

I'd just like to say to all the anxiety going around about whether or not this is a good show: it's only 3 god damn episodes.

I saw 6th Sense so long after it came out that everyone knew the twist. It was sort of nice because I didn't get sucked into the hype of the times (OMG SEE THE TWIST) but could judge it based on whether or not it's a good movie regardless of the twist.