
Yeah, they might as well just set an end date right now and plan out the next six years around this show.

I was really on the edge of my seat about whether or not all those plot lines were just gonna get left hanging. I mean, we need to know what happens to Al Capone! Does he make it big or is he just stuck as a no-name driver forever?!?!

Olivia Munn, the most obviously fake "nerd chick" that still gets huge kudos from fans for the most meager roles.

Aw, Mel, we love ya!

That's the whole point of this post Calvinist, to gloat his non-equal sign posting abilities.

AV Club music comments: [argument over whether or not band is 'for hipsters' and that music ain't like it used to be]

Yeah it's pretty weird considering how distant Phoenix was the whole time then he's suddenly buddy-buddy.

Not even related firsties? Cmon.

Best part, nobody outside of California would care.

I have heard
that this film is a hoax. Yet it won Documentary awards? What kind of world are we living in?!

Yeah if there is one thing that Halo certainly is NOT is a space-opera. The relationship between Chief and Cortana can maybe be compared to Mulder and Scully early X-Files. Hardly operatic.

I've never heard of this show before.. and it had four seasons? TBS!

By cable I mean the actual cable that goes into my TV thing. Don't have it. Space taken up by Super Nintendo.

Sean Penn won because he was successful in making his stone gargoyle face force out a smile for two hours straight. Sean Penn… smiling?! OSCAR

I don't have cable
Can someone tell me if he does anything weird or is just normal, I reallllllly want to know.

Hahah Maximum Carnage was actually a terrible game but it was a red cartridge, had Carnage as the main bad guy and you could play as Venom. So naturally, my childhood self rented it like 20 times.

Yes I remember Caravaggio in Art History and how the Church was constantly shocked by his work such as a painting of the Virgin Mary but she looked dead, like a real human, with greenish skin tones and unflattering light. It is called Death of the Virgin.

I have to say, this article spent way too much time on the short stories. I thought for a second half the article didn't get put up. There is so much more to talk about this book than what is written here.

I never read it in high school, I actually just read it on my own a month ago for the first time though. What timing!

He's the unaware geek. His diorama project is a bunch of collectible Star Wars figures and girls are a constant mystery to Ralph. It might be a stretch to classify him as a geek but he's never that distant socially when he's seen in their group.