

Probably would have just been better off saying "FIRST"

AV has been handing out B's to a lot of movies I would have never expected would get a B here lately: Going the Distance, I'm Still Here, The Virginity Hit. You're not going soft on my now are you AV?

Video Game movies of today are like Superhero movies of yesteryear
They take the very basic premise and then create a whole new, goofier, world around it. Not to say the RE games were genius in plot but when filmmakers decide to stick to the games established setting then maybe we'll see the same level of quality from

Ghettoplex, new favorite word.

Love AV Talk epic debates. I mean it irritates me after a while but I'm never going to stop listening.

Unless it's someone like Entertainment Weekly or something where it's JOAQUIN ON DRUGS OMG

Answer: he's just a dick and has to try and show up Ben in every aspect Ben briefly succeeds.

But he did Memento Mori which people seem to love, I haven't seen it.

That was one of three things that ruined that movie for me.

Although I have watched AD from the beginning on DVD (I never finished Season 3), I still find it exhausting. Noel really nails it in this article, it's a show that is hugely rewarding to the devoted but to the casual viewers it's amusing, but a lot flies right by you, and the worst part is, you know you're missing it.

I love going to TIFF but this year it seems their popularity has gotten ahead of them. Buying tickets online or via phone was impossible because their server was crashing and their phone lines were fucked right up.

All the "teenagers" in the Nightmare on Elm St remake were sexy but certainly no younger than 27

Weird, while I hate Syzygy, as I mention below, Grotesque was great for me. Sure, you know Mulder isn't the killer, but it still has you on edge. Ducovny does a great job being a little weird, the handheld shots and direction are outstanding and really make the episode uncomfortable.

Just watched this episode for the first time and wow, it's easily my least favorite of the season. As Todd said, right after Darin Morgan's episode, making a comedic plot is really going to hurt more than help.

I watch Taxi Driver so much that I dress up like Travis Bickle on every day except Halloween.

I think he was probably a closet homosexual who did a lot of cocaine. That whole Yale thing.

I have been rejected from my anonymous internet peers! Fuck you I'm listening to this song and thinking of all of you!!!!!!!!!

This guys got quite the sense of entitlement and not quite a good sense of how you actually make shows. I don't think you can just take hostages and then shows will be made, usually takes a bit of time, and by the time they are done people will say "why are we making this again? Oh right, because the crazy guy wanted

Her plastic surgeon said she can only move at specific angles, therefore her dancing would be only slightly better than Stallones.