
I heard Sean is black.

Ya no sound on this work comp SHIT

New Cult Canon is what brought me to this site originally. I believe through a Google search for "wtf is up with Donnie Darko" or something. I love me New Cult. Although it's every-other-week thing saddens me to the point of tears.

Has it been discussed? I would have joined in an earlier discussion but didn't see any direct hate spewing so had to start my own.

This song is fucking terrible
How can people like this shit. I go on Hypem and it takes up 5 of the 10 most popular song spots.

You'd think a vagina in a movie like Dune would be sandy

I'd love to see the guy who does the 60 minute Star Wars prequel reviews to do Dune.

I'd like to Katy her Perry!

But Matthew Fox never won!!!!!!

Eh. It's one of those cases where it's got such stupid big expectations. Band of Brothers. Except it tries to go for something pretty different, and succeeds, but people still feel the need to cling on to the BoB comparison. While I agree, I felt much stronger towards BoB, I felt Pacific did a great job showing how

Well shit it has a special effects show in Disney World or where ever and Bay gets on the tv and tells you about how they did shit and then you see underwater bombs go off and everyone claps because thats how movies are made!

I had a WWII history teacher who was actually very good. Anyway, he showed us a scene from Pearl Harbour although he acknowledged that the movie was horrible, he thought the one scene was good. The entire class laughed when Cuba Jr. shot down a plane and then cheered like he won the war. Our prof then lectured us

This is gonna push some buttons. I mean war action movies already raise enough questions about how much is for history and remembering and all that shit, and how much is for having fun watching soldiers who fought and suffered. Now putting people's flying limbs and spilling intestines in 3D so we're CLOSER TO THE

"aren't in the realm of what I would call bad."

The original Mafia also didn't have anything to do in it's city, but that was a time when you could get away with that. Now, in a post Red Dead world, it's kind of necessary. I hated how in Mafia 1 you get all this money, but there is almost nothing to spend it on because you can't buy properties or anything fun.

Here's why AV Club game reviews are actually secretly good:

That TV Rosemarys Baby sequel.

American Psycho 2

American Psycho 2
With Mila Kunis? That's a great sequel right there.

No one says bye on the phone
in any television show. Ever. Never ever does anyone say bye. I understood when time was of the essence in 24, but Jack doesn't even say goodbye to Kim after a slow, heartfelt conversation, knowing they wouldn't speak again for like 2 seasons. NO TIME FOR THAT PUSSY SHIT