
Spam Spaz is contradicting his name!

Alien 3 was better than Terminator 3. Someday the Alien 3 renaissance will happen, just like Temple of Doom!


It's kids like you watching god damn Terminator 2 at the theater that are responsible for this animated Terminator bullshit! They did some market research or something and said "it seems that 99% of 30 year olds went to see Terminator 2 when they were underage so kids like Terminator, therefore they can relate and

oooooooooooh suree it's the quietest robot ever. It can just walk around the whole fucking desert and no one hears it so it can fucking stealth attack the gas station. Oooooooh good for youuuu.

At least this can be an obvious failure unlike Salvation which pretended like it was going to kick ass then at the last second said "thanks for your 12 bucks!" and bitch slapped you in YOUR STUPID WHORE FACE

Galaxy Quest is a mix between Home Improvement and Forbidden Planet…

No, he physically beat up the game of basketball itself.

OMG the interview conspiracy IS real!

Indeed. This is a nice way to quit too. Make an ass out of your boss and have it turn into a one-day internet phenomenon (too strong a word?). I've seen links to this thing like 15 times today.

Well, Borat definitely instilled a long lasting notion of Kazakhstan for stupid people who didn't understand it was a joke. It was popular when it came out and if you say Kazakhstan to most people today they'll probably think of Borat to one degree or another.

Give them awards!

It doesn't remedy per se, but being in a dark theatre in those comfy theatre seats with your fatty comfort food and the surround sound all around you….

Seeing this movie at a theatre is very neat. But also nearly impossible not to sleep through.

The fact I could read the whole review and only see three comments upon refresh says a lot about how much people give a shit about this movie.

Why? He's not gonna tell.

Never watched the show
But many of my friends are surely sharpening their pitchforks right about now.

reality TV fan?
I know there are people who watch reality TV to zone out or whatever, but are there actual honest to god reality tv enthusiasts?

They couldn't even fit in tying up who shot at the group when they were in the outrigger boat while going through the time flashes. Even though they go in outriggers about 17 times in Season 6. So easy to see how they would fail to tie up the food drop as a time-shifting thing.

I like the flash sideways revelation but also find it slightly disappointing. From Season 5 we are set up to believe the nuke did something profound and that it really changed things. Making it not a parallel universe is pretty manipulative when you make all the signs say it is, even 18 hours into that storyline. And