
are more over-saturated. Zombies will always be cool.

May you have that terminal disease enhanced by other such terminal illness.

Wow O'Neal
You are truly a God among men.

That's the best award the Academy gives. The Oops! Award.

You are happy when stepping out of the shower? I'm usually cold. I like it better in the shower.

That sounds like shit Jorge Von Salsa, fortunately I live in Canada where I give them a prescription and they say "one moment" then they get me my herpes cream and say apply twice daily and I pay and leave.

Pretty sure Kick Ass is 2010 and Bad Lieutenant is 2009 but who am I to argue with the ZMF?

Step away from the animal feed. Step away from the animal feed. STEP AWAY FROM THE ANIMAL FEED!

Hey Natronicus, the economy isn't going to save itself okay?! Nic Cage to the rescue!

Stumpy is trying to throw us off, he actually has Nic Cage in his basement, King of Comedy style.

Nic Cage has left the building
Gotta give it to the man. He constantly has money issues but it never stops him from making ridiculous purchases and walking out on contracts. The man clearly does not give a fuck.

But was it gayer than 300?

Isn't Routh in Scott Pilgrim?

This thread should probably be archived in the AV Club vaults of best threads ever.

I just finished Blood for the first time. While the first two episodes were amazing, Blood was really silly. I didn't find it as bad as Space, but felt it more a companion piece to the goofy Ghost in the Machine from S1, but even Ghost had a more realistic/mature portrayal of killer machines. But they have both aged

He was giving excuses for liking the show! GOD. I mean, if there is any show you need a mandatory excuse paragraph for, it'd be this one.

I never get the "see shitty movie to get laid" argument. Sounds more like an excuse for you to go see a shitty movie and blame it on the girlfriend.

Life is for raping.

hey man
Yogi's been without picnic baskets for years, bear's gotta eat.

hilarous Cmndr X!