
I remember seeing the trailer and thinking it was a comedy with the spider lady. Then I was confused by the rest, but held that belief.

Yeah, that's a bullshit rule.

your move, creep

What about Signs, guys?

If so, Mel wins. The internet is his.

I heard
that this bitch is pretentious and ignorant but that won't stop her from inspiring endless hipsters to talk about politics they know by the headlines they saw at the newsstands they walked by that morning.

How about kiddy-diddling Polanski?

I watched Chinatown last night too.

Yeah I find this funny too when stars come on to play characters, like Bow Wow, instead of themselves.

Vince looks like he's 12 years old in that picture
a haircut episode is pretty good, if you're an early season 1 episode.

It doesn't look oversharpened. It just looks like it's been compressed to hell and back.

Poor Josh
He really open himself up by saying he liked that Samurai scene.

I hope Nathan didnt..
..sit this one out because everyone made fun of his voice last time.
We love you Nathan.

Dear Christopher Nolan
Please make every movie for Hollywood.


I hear ya!

Matthew Fox for Best Actor…… lol

I am usually one of those geeks that tries to boycott something when I'm all up in arms about it, but then stop caring two days later and buy it anyway.

Thanks recycler-o-matic for this.
Mr. T, what the hell is he talking about? I love it all though.

There's another George Michael?