
While Brolin looks cool/acts cool, it still looks retarded. I'll wait for this supposed Coen Brothers Western starring him. The not-Old Country one.

Toy Story 3 and Inception for me. Which is a solid line up, two movies I'm dying to see. And really, while there are usually more surprises or enjoyable movies other summer seasons, there are almost always only about 2 or 3 movies I reeeeally want to see anyways.

Low PirateBay tracking summer might have to do with, you know, the huge lawsuits and legal focus on Pirate Bay in the winter and how the site is slowly deteriorating. Or because movies suck, who knows.

Remember when he made Narc? Yeah.

AJ was a mix of awkward writing and shitty robot acting, almost the whole way through. His character is better developed later on, but I agree, the fight and his early rebellious years were the worst kid subplots this side of History of Violence.

they have have a good thing going, naming Die Hard movies really shitty, stupid things. So why stop now?

Nah, I won't pay 10 dollars, I'll just get it for free, tanks.

Every time you visit his site he probably gets some sort of money or something. Shameless advertising like this is almost as bad as the music industry itself.

I predict the world will end.

Fritzy-poo, his favorite band?

The record companies are using their money wisely by attacking piracy where it hurts, mmk?

Yeah, good thing record companies are still wasting time and money on shitty software like Limewire, apparently defenseless or oblivious to the way people download mass amounts of music. Nobody but moms and pre-teens use Limewire these days. At least I hope not.

Ahh, Apple, evil corporate fucks that the company used to rebel against.

land……. mine?

I live in Canada. Where prices drop only when the game is old enough for you to not care anymore. GoW3 price drop on Amazon? laughs at your fortune and denies a price drop for at least another year.

To be fair Comte, a C in video game world isn't the same as a C anywhere else. The rabid dogs that are gamers demand a B at minimum.

somethingsomethingsomething new world order

every time you read hercules's comment, he gets paid $0.05

oh neat
So it will be incoherent?

After watching about 4 hours a day of this show on DVD I ended up similar to Danskjavlar's roommate. Spending 4 hours watching people react to situations and problems with aggression literally made me more aggressive. Of course, I am no Tony Soprano so my aggression was focused on my printer not working etc. but I