
I've always felt this based on theory rather than practice. Only because the women in the show are often disregarded by Tony and the guys, he buys off Carm, often ignores Melfi, though she is the strongest female in the show. The setting being in a strip club where the women are often abused or ridiculed to the

This is going to be good
I finished watching the entire series on DVD a few months ago and it's amazing. I can't believe I missed out on it for so long.

It seems like a lot of people dont GET the purgatory thing. Asking how people like Sawyer and them are there. As Christian pointed out, there is no "now" in this purgatory or whatever. Everyone dies sometime, so they are all there, because at one point or another, they all died.

Good point.

I've only recently begun watching Bogart films, which is why this feature is suiting for me. Anyway, I started with Casablanca, then Maltese Falcon, and last night watched The African Queen. Worked out for me.

Brendan Fraser sucks, always sucked, and always will suck with his nasally voice and weird face. He's better off in kids stuff than trying to be an action star because that is truly sad.
I don't know how this review can consider his presence making it more bearable, if anything, Fraser's presence in a movie

I believe he is referring to Freddy as the child molester, and that one from Little Children and the murder part being Rorchach but im sure you got all that

the first movie is the best sequel.

Now he's Rorscharch part II in this movie. He found such a good Rorschach he realized he could make a living off of playing the character in every genre film he decided to do.

I don't get why Todd says he wasn't really sure why the show was getting big praise at the beginning… did he not give the first two episodes great scores?! Or are B+ not considered great in TV Club.. oh right.

Why pay for fucking school when I can just pay for an HBO subscription and learn how to make it that way!

Brian De Palma?

Eva Green is ugly.
Olga Whatever is hot.

Realistically, they were never going to do SPECTERE or continue anything in the next film. They learned from carrying continuity from Casino Royale. It'll likely be completely new shit. People need to get in, understand who James Bond is killing in 15 minutes, watch things happen, then leave.

The Bourne Movie
The Bourne Sequel
The Bourno

Walk down a bad neighborhood and if you make it out the other end, you're not!

I hope the poster is all like expressive and emotional like Away We Go. That'd be fantastic.

Nah man, no one can relate to that shit. Everyone needs terrorists and environment issues! And recessions! And corrupt governments! And health care issues! And the internet culture!

Instead of picking up women tangled up in dangerous organizations, he'll pick up single moms at the park.

Oh dear god, what will America do in this greatest Bond drought in the history of Bond. People need annual Bond films for FUCK SAKE!