
They filmed Max Payne in Toronto too.
So… you know.

You're off the case LaFleur!
No, you're off YOUR case, chief
What does that mean exactly?

eer, I mean B- is Lost's C…

This episode kicked ass, even more than last weeks ass kicking.

Obviously, everyone smokes weed.

This is a new low for the AV Club commenting community.

In one hand, I have cancer. In the other? Aids.


I think I would like this game.

The first real feminist in my life basically ruined the lot for me.
She was a drama teacher in high school, a lesbian, and completely nutty, so basically all the stereotypes proven true to me on my first encounter with a real feminist.
Examples of things she'd say:
"Look, only the guys are sitting in chairs, not on the

I get it, your impersonating a dog. That will surely gain you respect in the real world!

Sounds like his "critics" are actually his non-critics considering none of them have seen his movies. This must be where Boll gets the impression that people don't hate his movies, they just haven't seen them.

I never played Far Cry 2. But I agree on Far Cry 1. The first 5 levels I was like HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME.

Those kids are learning life skills! Not like these lazy fatass kids over here.

I'm so mad this is every other week now! NCC was the feature that brought me to AV Club to begin with (think it was Donnie Darko). And I look forward to new articles every Thursday!

JCrowemancer - he's probably fairly cheap to hire (I would think, since his films are never big successes) and his own large cult will already come out without his name on it, and anyone NOT in his cult probably hates him so no use doing damage by mentioning him.

I don't know if Austen was on the wheel or not. But either way, interesting Hurley said she couldn't come, Jacob didn't invite her.

I also agree that this season hasn't been overly satisfying, especially compared to last seasons great arc.

Just saw it, and yeah, that twist was pretty bullshit.
spoilers -

I'd pay to even see bad Scorsese. More interesting than anything else in theatres anyway.