
I still don't believe exactly that they mean candidacy. Sure Jacob's usage of them. But does this tie into the DHARMA usage? Hurley's contact with them? I'm sure they will end up making that connection, but I'm pretty confused how a recent selection of people can relate to the 1970s computer input code.

Yeah, giving it a whole new perspective, the monsters behavior to 'scan' people the first time it meets them is like a background check for appearance-stealing candidacy, then there are the tests.

I think the most significant parts of this episode, which no one is really talking about that much, is that he is working with Ben now. These men who have had such great conflict, to the death, in a completely different situation and universe is going to be very interesting to watch.

Nothing like 3D to truly invest me in the vulnerability of a young superhero!

Also, Dogen and Jack scenes were fairly frustrating. In typical Lost fashion where we all can be frustrated together, which is part of the show yadayadayada. But considering it's the final season, is it that necessary to lure us along with "I was brought to the island." "How" "You know how" END CONVERSATION. Come on,

Damn these long comment threads.

Prop 8 is still topical, right?

phodreaw going for the shock value!

I already posted this but why not, I thought the pool scene was unintentionally funny. If they didn't go ahead and make us "not see" Eli having new super powers, like dragging people along water and dismembering them, then maybe I would have liked it and felt it fit the rest of the story. But it seemed so out of

I also failed to connect with this movie as many people do. After finishing it, I just sort of sat there, trying to squeeze some sort of reward out of it. But couldn't. I initially thought something was wrong with me, like my tastes have gone to shits and I should just turn on Transformers 2 and accept the inevitable.

Hmm, you raise a solid point ricin beans.

This is what drives me to pirate.

what a…. REATARD

Sorry ZMF, Bioware does pump out the DLC. In Dragon Age they have a character who interacts with you and one of the response options is to pay for DLC so you can do the quest he keeps talking about.
Mass Effect 2 has DLC too, but I believe the Day 1 DLC is free. Which is nice.

Dear god, this is the greatest challenge ever placed in front of me. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST TAKE IT DOWN ABC BEFORE I HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE

I rewatched Season 4 and 5 too and felt exactly the same. 4 was awesome the first time through because we saw a drive towards a definite finish line, but rewatching it makes it more obvious the stresses that the writer strike put on the season, characters, and stories. Five is the meat to season 4's bone. It has it's

How about Tom Cruise's accent in Valkyrie!? WHERES THAT ON YOUR PRECIOUS SCALE?!?!

I heard there is barely any action, it's mostly drama which is why everyone is surprised considering this is Campbell coming off explosion-central Casino Royale

There is no death. It is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness.

Is this the one thing
That Lindsay Lohan did not kill all on her own?