
Lost is the best show ever
Don't discuss. Just agree.

I find it weird that Synecdoche can be considered new cult canon so soon, but meh, it'll be a great read!

As exploitative as the movie can be, if I saw this in high school it would have probably taken me 3… no, 4 more days to start doing drugs!

I had no idea of this films existence, and am now amazed at what Hollywood actually manages to sweep under the rug… only for the AV Club to revive it :)

I thought half of the appeal of porn parodies was the cleverly sexualized title? Like Super Mario Boner or something. This Aint Super Mario XXX just isn't the same…

I haven't seen the film yet, but it seems to me that Colin Farrell is more miscast than Jude Law. But then again, I think Farrell is miscast in anything outside of In Bruges.

Remember when they made Parnassus a giant cloud in that Fantastic 4 movie? What were they thinking?!

Spoilers: GhaleonQ hasn't played Heavy Rain and therefore is talking out his ass. Even if a failure, Heavy Rain will be one of those ambitious failures that fails greater than most games succeed. Worth checking out either way because it's nice to see someone looking at how a game can be made/played from a fresh

Hahah thank you. That MW2 scene really let me down in terms of how morally crippling and mentally damaging it was.

Leno…. mean spirited? Zuh?

Gary Oldman MADE Air Force One ALRIGHT

freedom fries.

Go Canada!
Hurray international video restrictions!

Burn NBC burn, you truly deserve it!

Blu-ray all the way!
Ya I said it.

I as well, because I never really thought the movie was that terrific. I could see why people might, but there were several elements that just made me indifferent towards the whole thing. Perhaps that article will shed some new light on it for me. Heres hoping!

Interesting point, and I'm sure that's what Anderson's entire fanbase believes in to.
But seeing as he is extremely polarizing, those who don't really appreciate his style aren't going to just warm up to it the more he does it, and his reluctance to offer any alterations to that style makes him appear more limited, and

Well, to continue this geeky tangent, Zelda does have these elements. Random dungeons have items like Pieces of Heart, wallets, other inessential items that can assist you in the game, but aren't required. OoT had the extensive trading game, Majora's Mask mask collection, etc. You can play games in towns for prizes,

Apparently no one here has seen Frankie Muniz in Stay Alive. It truly showed the horrors of gaming and virtual reality! HOW FAR.. is too far?

Sandbox games are kind of hard to define. In one definition you can say Legend of Zelda innovated it back on the NES. Considering it was a vast world you were free to explore as you wished with no immediate demand that you continue your main quest before you spent some time in town playing mini-games and helping the