
He can't be worse at directing action than the director of the last Bond movie (what's his name again?).

What the point in reviewing an album so far after it's been released?

Ill write my own fan fiction goddamnit!

Well maybe if you did more DRUGS they would be more entertaining, ya jackass!

I see Half-Life there, and assume it is a movie based on the game. Even though that is totally impossible, I will assume it is that and make a blind purchase.
Your thoughts?

I will continue to Torrent good shit whether or not I watch it, until the hammer comes down on us in Canada. Until then, FREEDOM!

This makes me feel better about not having stepped foot in a pair of paints for three years.

If I say I am an oil man, you will agree.

Biggest weekend haul in history? And yet the studios keep whining about piracy and all that destroying their industry? It's the same old argument, but one that's still relevant as long as the suits keep bitching but the numbers keep showing blockbusters making blockbuster sized bucks bigger than the previous year,

Sherlock Holmes can go sit in the corner and have a terrible, terrible new year.

Id go with Fear and Loathing but 12 Monkeys is a close second my friend.
..but then there is the Holy Grail, shit!

Probably not that different if different at all.
Seems like a typical Gilliam affair; extremely polarizing.

When's the American Idol movie tie-in, "From Adam to Pelvic Thrust", coming out, really looking forward to it.

Black Christmas is easily his best film. How DARE you call it average. It is fucking awesome.


I cared.. but not anymore.

No one gets a free pass. No one.

If you can spend $50 to bring your family to this movie and they all have a good time without any whining/bitching etc. then more power to em.

Life Aquatic is his best movie. This is the only other one that looks interesting to me. Possibly the allure of the Clooney voice..

Should have asked how he tells stories with email.