
No that only happens if they are whistleblowers

Imagine the butt-puckering you’d have riding that tin can back into the atmosphere...

I mean, maybe they can get me there. I think a door coming off midflight might be more serious on that one than on a regular flight.

Boeing can get you up there.  Just appears to be a one way trip.

“a deep and fundamental misunderstanding of how Perplexity and the Internet work,”


Congratulations to Boeing on achieving a truly special level of incompetence to make even SpaceX seem responsible and competent in comparison.

At least they didn't die, you know?

At this point all FAA inspections should be unannounced and random.

This is the kind of things that happen when the finance guys push out the engineers.  Moving corporate HQ from Seattle to Chicago to be closer to the stock markets was a pivotal moment.  

That is how it works, so the managers know which “disloyal” voice to fire. It is never about fixing errors, it is about silencing those who point errors out. 

the report was eventually routed to the same managers he had complained about.”

Evergreen at this point:

Mohawk claims that he tried to elevate the concerns through Boeing’s internal reporting program called “Speak Up,” but that the report was eventually routed to the same managers he had complained about.

OK, I’ll bite: what would be so bad about chrome being replaced by highly polished aluminum that’s been clear-coated?

I assume this means we should expect Trump to start wearing chrome suits going forward?

This is going to kill Harley & the bar ‘n’ shield cult.

God damn it take your star

Take your damn star.

That’s fine, I use Firefox anyway.