
Buy shotgun at Walmart and shoot Walmart drones from Walmart parking lot sounds so florida 

run it till it breaks, then permanently park it on the driveway, plug it in, and use the bi-directional charging to power your house during peak hours (or at night if you have solar)...

Is the opening sequence of the video staged?

Buy in store or online with drone home delivery? AFAF

Same, saw the title and was like “Bets on Florida” lol

The drone was in surveillance mode, so it was fairly steady.  Any self respecting Floridian can pull off a 25 yd shot with a handgun.

It was either gonna be Texas or Florida. Texas, because guns; Florida, because, well, Florida man.

That’s pretty impressive with a 9mm pistol and a moving target at 75 feet.

This is exactly what everyone assumed would happen with delivery drones, so much so that Parks and Rec made a joke about it 7 years ago when Ron Swanson shoots one down in his yard.

Boeing out there just dreaming that Tesla gets into the airplane business to make them look great in comparison.

Sucks. The party that believes government isn’t capable of governing is on a suicide mission to make the government incapable of governing.

The Supreme Court would like a word.

Musk: No buybacks!

“Volvo is a fantastic car company but it also needs to be a tech company” is the kind of thing that the CEO of a much bigger automaker might say and still have trouble getting people to believe it because the best software engineers in the world don’t work for automakers, they work for, you know, Google. That Volvo’s

Musk: LOL, suckers...

Counterpoint: his father really doesn’t like him.

I believe that’s an intentional setpoint as some surfaces (especially bridges) will ice over even if air temp is in the mid-30F’s.

if your car is telling you it’s 34 degrees, it may actually be at or below freezing.”

In my experience the temperature readouts in my cars seem to be pretty good once the car is in motion. I don’t think they are sensing the heat radiating from the roads.

I don’t believe the temp I see when I start the car, especially in hot weather. Once I’ve been moving for a bit, it usually settles down more or less in line with other sources (phone, displays on business signs along the road).