
Yeah nice try with the semantics. It's a pity you can't read what I wrote.

Unconstitutional IS NOT the same thing as illegal.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the English comedian Mark Thomas did a similar thing 15 years ago over an NSA site in England...

There is no such thing as unconstitutional but legal.

The whole reason our country exists is to be free from the government meddling in our lives.

"Citation needed" is a lazy way of trying to win an argument, and it's most often used against someone who's expressed an OPINION - you dont have to cite a reason for having a fucking opinion, but this is lost on the idiots who look for a citation. If you see a fact you don't think is right, go Google for a better

"Citation needed" - the cry of those who are too stupid to come up with an intelligent reply to a statement.

But the scary thing is that people don't seem to care - the belief seems to be "if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't need to worry."

Oh. I seem to have struck a nerve.

You're saying Greenpeace would have no problem with the level of energy consumption if the data center was used for other purposes, like Folding@Home?

He smashed the windshield of HIS new Tesla, which he had paid $173k for?


Greenpeace is currently involved in a standing lawsuit against the NSA, for violating their First Amendment right of association, by illegally collecting call records.

What's the word in the nordic countries for an asshole who drives with no consideration for other road users?

people like that Accord driver are precisely why we won't have autobahnen in the US any time soon.

And that right there is the textbook illustration of why most countries don't allow overtaking on the inside, unless traffic is slow-moving.

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People were rallying 911's back when video still came in 240p resolution

giving all the people who read these, comment on these, "star" these and enjoy these apparently some people do give a fuck

Hey can you move all these shit articles about Detroit to Gawker or Jezebel (or some sub-section thereof) rather than having them cluttering up Jalopnik?

Taxi drivers fucking suck...