Sorry dumbass, socialism and communism are not close to being the same thing.
Reminiscent of the ‘Chink eyes’ Rolls Royce Silver Cloud
Fuck you and your ‘salty tears’
“How does someone spin their car around that easily?”
Yeah somebody claimed they’re becoming more popular but I don’t know if I trust Indian engineering all that much...
Burner account is disposable?
Wow. That’s the most comprehensive reply I’ve ever got from anybody on Jalopnik. Thanks! I’m gonna be on Wikipedia for the rest of the evening...
Who’s talking about lawn tractors?
TBH I couldn’t be bothered replacing 10 bucks worth of crappy cables.
TBH I couldn’t be bothered replacing 10 bucks worth of crappy cables.
I never heard of Oliver or Gleaner before now. Looks like they were a midwestern thing?
lol yeah, as long as you’ve got a laptop with the cracked software.
Hobson’s choice. That’s bullshit.
Here we are 40 years later and Fords are still doing the same thing.
Yep. In Europe the car manufacturers had their asses handed to them when they tried to limit servicing and repairs to authorized dealers. Ford and GM were behind the push (although I could be totally wrong...). The EU said to them: “Nope, ever hear of a thing called antitrust?”
I’m with Patrick George on this one. Nope.