I thought this kind of politically-correct NIMBY bullshit only happened here in Europe.
I drive on the left so none of the above applies.
Nice price. Cue obligatory Clarkson clip...
Gary sure got a bad case of the crazy eye
Hmm, I read the title as "Why Pakistan Is The Greatest Terrorist Country In The World"
Having looked at the clip again, I'd say it probably is European. The date at the top of the screen is 30.07.2011, ie. non-US format. At 0.12 you can see some kind of orthodox (?) church on the right
"If you're looking for an investment...buy an Avantime".
$3850 ? Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère!
Damn. Cletus was one lucky mofo.
Too fast. No visibility. Morons.