
That's a pity. It would have been karma if the whale-killers had their shit messed up by a dead whale.

Wow. A whale on a truck. I didn't RTFA but I'm guessing that was in Japan...

"What was really strange was that the noise coming from the car [while being driven at top speed] was about 10% of what any car passing you at 30 mph makes."

What a fucking tard. Isn't he a bit old for (a) subwoofers, and (b) a hairdresser-mobile?

Now playing

Ford Supervan please. 435bhp in a 40-something-year old van.

Nice. There's something M.C. Escher-esque about road layout.

Spaghetti Junction, Birmingham, UK

I'd avoid any Renault made in the last ten years if I was looking for a daily driver, never mind looking to go halfway round the planet.

Any UK address you have access to.

No, no, no. Cheap to fix? You've never had an immobiliser key fail on one of those things?

All you need really is an address to register the car to. You can drive on your US licence for 12 months from your last date of entry to the country. Make sure any car you buy has an MOT (inspection) and road tax disc. Oh, and buy some insurance

Dear Belgian police - catch some real criminals why don't you?

I thought I was reading Wired there for a minute. Once every second article is about Steve Jobs or the iPhone, the transformation will be complete...

In Soviet Russia, wall hits you at 120mph!!!

Oh I see. So it wasn't like a second job in the sense I was thinking of... Thanks for explaining that.

OK, let me start by saying I'm in Europe so I have to say I'm mystified by a number of things here: