
This probably won’t really hurt CSE in any way, seeing that all of Wood’s clients were all washed up.

“I learned to read!”

I will share my very small sample size of getting shots over the past 13 years (since I had kids). I failed to get my shot last year and got the flu.  It was the sickest I have been in my life. Knocked me out for 10 days. And it wasn’t the “Oh this is cool I’ll watch movies for 10 days in bed” sick. It was the

“hello the owner of this phone Courtney. I am buying an iPad.”

Make a huge bowl of orange Jello. dump it on the floor. Roll around it in. There you go.

Of course Bill Koch has a Large Adult Son. Everything is memes.

Man, these later seasons of Modern Family are weird.

In other words - they’re fucking stupid.

“why is the defense budget not being looked at?”

Elections. Have. Consequences.

My mother sends the presidential Christmas ornament to my family every year. I was wondering how Cheetolini would mess it up. At first I was surprised as it wasn’t bad, then I looked at the other side of the ornament and he put his initials in big royal fucking font on the back. I have them going back to Bush Jr, the

The best part of this comment is the fact that the math works out.

Go ahead and mock imaginary investments all you want. Last December I invested 10 grand in thoughts and prayers when they were trading for $3.78 a share. Soon after the Vegas and Texas shootings demand hit a premium and I sold at $22,000 a share and cleared a cool $58 million.

Trump reads headline and realizes he wasted the first pick in the 2017 Border Patrol draft on Simmons.

If conservatism is popular, why does my gerrymandered district look like a a goddamn octopus?

that sales funnel tho

+1 you’re with me, weather

This is a good article about the United States of America and its Constitution.

That fox spends 17 hours a day sitting on Trump’s head. It has to crap at some point.

My favorite relatively-undiscussed angle for these people making their stand against our corrupt government with assault rifles and lunatic views: