
So, Festivus Pole it is then.

So free pooh is a perk, but you don't mention the countless free classic books available in the Kindle store and I assume elsewhere.

@buckleyneko: Oh the number of pieces of erotic literature that started with those words.

Well if Gizmodo would ditch all the animated ads on the site I'm sure things would become more manageable.

Nokia 1100, Bitches

@Eriamjh: Yeah really, that would be awesome.

@SilentAssassn87: Sorry. I had no idea that it wasn't actually in use. I wonder how much that domain goes for?

So my porn site is OK unless I add a chat room?

@Psiu! Puxa!: I love your Volvo 240! But I digress: Most of the big cities are on the coast. We are never going to see it coming when they stick a nuke into a fishing trawler and sail it over. I'm sure the TSA and the missile defense program will be a huge help then.

@Bueller: What do you mean its a sham. We invaded Iraq because it was full of WMDs and we invaded Afghanistan to, umm. I forget. Terrorists though. They are apparently everywhere so we should accept limitations and government overspending to deal with them. At least that's what they said on the news.

@Xeraphim: The title of the article should be corrected to "How Apple's AirPlay Is About to Change The Life of Apple users as everyone else has been doing this for years"

@crazypills77: That assumes they read their own articles.

@bender123: But with all the streaming available why even bother. I'd been doing that for a while but then stopped as it really wasn't worth the time.

So basically they wanted to design something you can't run through a dishwasher, guaranteeing its unpopularirty.

So can keeping your cell phone in your pocket be counted as a form of birth control?

Instead of spraying them with water, how about with melted butter?

@kaffeen: Additionally, Christian Conservatives need to realize that staying home and praying really hard will have much more effect than voting. They should be encouraged to do just that.

@Zendax: Wonder what happens when they get wet?