
It’s really not fine. The exploration in Starfield sucks because the planetary POIs are heavily recycled (due to the scope of the game) and traveling between them is tedious because there’s nothing interesting to see or do on barren planets.

But is it actually an open world game? Serious question. It doesn’t feel like one. I played Tears of the Kingdom and then Starfield and Tears felt like an open world. Starfield felt like a bunch of areas connected by forced fast travel. 

I don’t know what game you played but you sure as hell aren’t describing Cyberpunk 2077. 

I just... don’t get people who spend all their time walking around not really *doing* anything in games.

I could get thinking this game was amazing if you come from a universe where space-set games like Mass Effect, Elite Dangerous, No Man’s Sky, and Outer Wilds, to name just a few, don’t exist at all, but I don’t know how this game passes for good, much less incredible to anyone whose played even just 10-12 hours of any

On the reverse, I also don’t get your perspective.

It’s the least fun, most boring and empty Bethesda game to ever Bethesda game, with none of the things that made any previous Bethesda game at all enjoyable present, and all the worst aspects of their more recent garbage magnified tenfold. 

Bethesda botched the only thing they’re good at... building vast and meaty environments that are fun to explore. Remove that, and you’re left with dated mechanics, poorly written dialogue, and badly designed quests.

Look, I love Bethesda-ass Bethesda games, but this is just ass that I’m forcing myself to play.

i try not to ‘review reviews’ as a rule, but this was a really nice, informative and balanced read.

Where locations in the best open-world games feel like places that permanently exist and are situated within a living world, Starfield’s galaxy feels like a file structure in my computer’s operating system.”

Pack it up folks, Amethyst says we don’t need reviews anymore!

The editor is beyond easy to use though. You can even select all on the ship and change the color of everything in one go, it’s really easy.

I’m really digging the Star Eagle.

What does this question even mean? He himself posted pictures of retail versions which only could have been obtained through theft being sent to buyers.

I get how property crimes are not seen as even a low priority by police....however; taken in cumulatively, it’s a real big problem. 

It’s literally limitless.

It’s a single player RPG, and like the headline says it’s been 6 months after release with several high profile games that have launched in the interim and soaked up the limelight.