
It’s kind of hard to take seriously a critique of excessive advertising from an article with a persistent bottom ad, multiple ads in the middle of content, and at least one full-screen pop-up ad - all of which turn reading into a halting, laggy minefield that eagerly mistakes a scroll gesture for a tap.

Chekov says the Klingons will be able to tell if they’re using a translator. Which makes enough sense to forgive a hilarious scene.

Even more relevant:

Starred every comment in this thread. “I heard gluten was bad for you” is a first world problem. “I spent three days in the bathroom because I used an imperfectly washed cereal spoon to stir my tea” is not.

I think what finally soured me on Moffat was this:

I share a favorite band with Glenn Beck. It’s heartbreaking.

I’ve always said the even numbered Treks are the best ones, and then stupid Nemesis came along. Boo!

One of the fan series has Marina Sirtis doing the computer voice. It’s a nice little joke.

Great Maker. I never have to leave my couch again.

It wasn’t even just the explosion. The whole sequence of events - the single torpedo, the Klingon commander standing bolt upright, and then the explosion - is copied. (Yeah, there were some more torpedoes and Sulu being badass before the actual explosion in Undiscovered Country. Still a ripoff. And I still love both


I smashed my phone last night. We’ve all done it.

I feel like this is maybe approximately the mirror image of declaring moms psychologists and CEOs?

Nexus 6 is 2560 x 1440.

That’s some design.

I’m about halfway through Seveneves (the audiobook, because I’m a pansy). Just the mission to board Sean Probst’s craft upon its return would make a great hard sci-fi adventure. It’s basically a train heist but IN SPACE and with massive stakes. All the plot up to that point isn’t strictly necessary to that particular

Uh, this week in 2005 kinda sucked. No wait, it REALLY sucked.

There is, and the vineyard is in Labarre, France.

So glad my own company’s tweet didn’t make the list. NOT photoshopping a French prison with our logo onto the Plutonian surface: correct decision!