
The problem is that not everyone wants you to be teach them how to fix it themselves. Some people just want you to fix their poorly maintained tech every time they get an easily avoided virus.

I live where all the theatres have assigned seats, but totally with you on #2. I have also actively avoided trailers - esp for all the Star Wars movies. I’m going to see them, so I don’t need my excitement stoked. The only exception? Deadpool. Most of his “trailers” are just Ryan being weird. :)

They punch down, and then get all “OH, so it’s okay when a [insert minority group here] says it?!” when people respond with exhausted sighs instead of belly-laughter.

The GOP sold its soul 35 years ago with Reagan. The rest is just shit circling down the drain into a herpes infected cesspool.

Oh my god. It’s not predatory. Fuck. He kept the game x number of days. It costs x dollars per day to keep said game. He returned it. He got charged the price of that There is nothing predatory about this. It’s just simple math and common sense.

[huddles under desk]

It was pejoratively referred to as Obamacare by conservatives. It wasn’t nicknamed as such “in honor of its champion”.

Good god when did the country get so stupid?

Nah, that was a result of us being so stupid. You’re thinking of November 7th, 2000 at the absolute latest.

Good god when did the country get so stupid?

I’m growing increasingly credulous to the claim that the rate of sociopathy in the general population is higher than we want to admit.

I’m 54 year old. Tom Petty and his music have been a constant in my life since I’m 13. I’ve worn out his records and seen him perform more times than I can count. He never quit. He has a new album and just finished a tour — he never became a “play the greatest hits at the county fair” guy.

Technology has outpaced society’s ability to use it responsibly.

Reads Title .... *sigh* why do we need this? Society sux

The thing is, not to belabor the obvious but... “just to travel across their own goddamn country,” is at least situationally inaccurate. To the “shitty white people” the country WASN’T the black people’s country. It belonged to THEM. Which is why they flipped out when one of those uppity blacks became president, and

Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.

I used to know a woman who was legit shocked - shocked - to learn that most African Americans are descended from slaves. Apparently, she’d never stopped to think about what happened to former slaves after emancipation. There was the Civil War, and that ended slavery, and then everything that happened in the 20th

“Did they steal your bank account info?”
