My reply would be, “No, but I did see your mom in Backdoor Dirty Debutantes Blowbang #36... is she able to sit okay now?”
My reply would be, “No, but I did see your mom in Backdoor Dirty Debutantes Blowbang #36... is she able to sit okay now?”
11. His name is King Johnson.
Jessica Chastain most definitely can open a movie bigger than Spencer but that also has to do with opportunities and the parts studios are willing to give her. You can’t open a movie is studios don’t offer you movies to open. If this was truly a meritocracy based on talent, Spencer would have more parts since she has…
This reassures me and reinforces what I suspected. I am a returning student at 45 and sit in classes with kids who some have a loose grasp on logic and critical thinking. I was hoping their numbers at least weren’t increasing from past decades.
I don’t drink alcohol... period. My father had been smoking since he was 10 (in his defense, he was born in 1925 rural Virginia). He taught me never start something everybody else is trying to quit. There is a reason you never hear anyone say their lives would have been better if they drank, smoke or did more drugs.
I do love that Jake Tapper is intent on doing his job and being competent at it. That guy’s doing the Lord’s Work and that’s coming from an atheist.
Their building an Epic Theater a few miles from my house and I was at one of theirs in Orlando with full sized recliners and assigned seats.
Agreed. I had a woman after Christmas once all of I could show her how to use her new digital camera that she couldn’t figure out. I told her they’re fairly simple and only have about did settings and you really only need to know two or three of them.
I’ve purchased Star Wars four different times so until someone releases the theatrical remastered versions (which I suspect will come after Episode IX in a 4K mamajama boxset), I’m good but thanks.
I’ve purchased Star Wars four different times so until someone releases the theatrical remastered versions (which I…
Every single decision made by the government should start with, “How does this benefit the American people more than Variable X?”
I hate to see smart black people talk shit about each other but I’ll take this over some random athlete\rapper\Real Housewives of Atlanta Twitter bullshit any day.
We have a nightlight on a timer that is set for 5:30a. The rule is she can get out of bed when that light goes off and come into our bed. At that point we’ve gotten a good night’s sleep and are close to waking up anyway. It works most of the time. For the times it doesn’t, I knew someone who reversed the door locks…
I’m fairly indifferent to Kim Kardashian because she’s what I call “Fame Adjacent,” in that somehow we know her name for nothing worth doing. Her mom married someone fame-worthy and her dad was on the defense team for someone fame-worthy. That have been said, good on her for using her fame for something worthwhile.
I have a few but here are two.
Predatory would be if they charged you $3 for the first night and then the prices went up (hoping you forgot about it).
Here’s a dirty little secret: Everything that works, works on it’s own.
Penny Marshall wanted her for the Geena Davis part in A League of Their Own and didn’t want to have to do cutaways to stand-ins throwing, catching and hitting balls. Marshall didn’t make her audition because she knew she could act. She did want her (like everyone else) to do a physical tryout which she refused. I…
I learned something pretty profound from director Kevin Smith. He’s notorious for being a fanboy who loves everything and he’s said, “You can either light a candle or curse the darkness”. He’d rather prop up the things he like and be somewhat positive about the things he doesn’t. If people like Transformers movies...…
I’m sorry in case I missed it but who is Jan Shedd? Is this someone with influence or I’m supposed to know or just some random who said something stupid\and or\racist in public? If that’s the case, why does anyone give a shit what she said? This whole thing where we act like “the internet is saying...” when it’s…
I remember seeing Term of Endearment as a kid and forgot most of it. Fast forward thirty years and I picked it up in $5 bin at Walmart and watched it by myself after I put my daughter to sleep and my wife was a Girl’s Night Out and loved every minute of it.