Because I don’t know better I’m going to try and be a respectful has possible and drop a few numbers nobody likes to talk about.
Because I don’t know better I’m going to try and be a respectful has possible and drop a few numbers nobody likes to talk about.
Some comic once said female genitalia is organized and pretty like a fitted sheet with hospital corners. Male genitalia looks like God was making a bow and the phone rang halfway through and he just sent it out.
Caitlin made the mistake OJ Simpson made when he said, “I’m not black... I’m OJ.”
And don’t forget every now and then you get that sweet, sweet Target Black Friday commercial money.
I hate when people say Republicans had eight years to come up with a heathcare replacement.
THANK YOU! My wife and I scream at the TV everytime Kellyanne Conway is on. That woman couldn’t tell you if the sun was up yet she shows up on TV daily.
Somewhere is someone ranting on how we don’t need Black History Month.
I would trust a woman trying to prove her competence than an entitled arrogant asshole trying to prove he isn’t a pussy.
I would think the all-day Inauguration, parade and riding in the closest thing America has to a Batmobile while being flanked by Secret Servicemen would have gotten that out of his system.
You joke but Beyonce made an entire album and shot fourteen fucking videos and nobody knew shit about it. JJ Abrams made an entire Cloverfield sequel nobody saw coming.
Gideon, I’m sincerely sorry that you had to struggle and you are right. One of the reasons poverty persists is because people hand out assistance and there is a segment of people who will never take the initiative. The larger problem is the traits that teach us initiative, hard work, etc are probably determined…
I’m going to assume you’re a fairly smart person as am I but I completely have no idea how to convince you you should care about other people since this is something you should have learned in Kindergarten if not earlier by your parents.
Honestly, I have never once worried about TSA going through my luggage as thieves and since nothing in there should set off any security alarms, I don’t worry about anybody opening my luggage.
Nope. Here’s the deal: that person on SNAP gets a fixed amount of money for food. If they decide to blow it on lobster and steak then good luck figuring out how they’re going to eat the rest of the week. There isn’t some kind of magic poverty ATM that allows for irresponsible spending.
Somebody’s going to do it... it might as well be this guy instead of wasting time analyzing what a former model and game show hostess thinks are worthwhile movies and an error in decorum that she obviously regrets.
If you put this much work into finding ISIS, Russian hackers or JonBenet Ramsey’s killer, America would be a much better place.
Taking this apart, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of talk about Marvel’s larger predicament which which appeasing a (specifically) Chinese market and avoiding an Asian stereotype of “white guy becomes a hero after the minority teaches him.”
What part of “Many Bothans died to get these plans” did you misunderstand? ;)
I don’t know how you have the license for Disney, Star Wars and Marvel and launch a game in a proven successful space by Skylanders, Amibo and Lego and still fail.
I think they really could have righted the ship in a matter of months by losing the figures (as much as I love them) and allow you to outright purchase…
Thanks. That baby is me. In my family we call it “Angry Baby Face” and apparently I still make it when I’m done with people’s shit. My daughter is that age now and she’s inherited it but on her I call it “sass.”