Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it didn’t sell well.
Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it…
Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it didn’t sell well.
Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it…
It’s really frustrating to hear this game didn’t catch on as everyone I know who has actually played it loves it. I honestly think it may have ruined all other online shooters for me. Where else can I wall run, jet pack jump, sling shot myself across a map with a grappling hook, land on top of giant robot, pull its…
It’s really frustrating to hear this game didn’t catch on as everyone I know who has actually played it loves it. I…
Guy filming was on a pony.
The guy filming was on a unicycle.
The guy filming was on a skateboard.
Guy filming was on a bicycle.
That’s the teardown required to top off the windshield wiper fluid.
Out of state residents are charged a total cost of $45,316 which is 57.2% higher than Alabama residents. The tuition charge is $26,950 while room and board is $13,050, books and supplies are $1,200 and other fees come in at $0.
Alternate possibility: she has dumb, rich parents who are paying out-of-state rates to send her to what is not an especially prestigious university, and isn’t even all that close to either a beach or a ski slope.
I actually just rewatched Ronin over the weekend. It’s less well realized than I remember it, though it has:
Everyone knows putting some weight in the bed will help smooth out any front-end vibrations. If there’s one thing an F-250 struggles with it’s having enough over the front wheels.
I didn’t mean it was correct, I’m saying that was the justification.
What you really need to do is go back in the ‘30s when they outlawed all types of drugs in Kansas, across the United States, what was the reason they did that? One of the reasons why—I hate to say it—the African Americans, they were basically users
You’re no more “stuck” there because your passport expired than you are if it gets lost/stolen and you have to go to the consulate or embassy and get a new one. So, really not stuck at all. And anywhere from 3-6 months is excessive. Like, I could reasonably see two weeks, maybe a month. But you’re telling me that…
Why isn’t that built into the system though. If literally everywhere requires a certain period of time, they could just print both dates in the passport, or make the expiration date the time of arrival, not departure. It’s so contrary to how every other expiration date works.
I think car manufactures are overemphasizing the demand for height and just downplaying the issue of storage. This is less of a Crossovers is king issue than it is a lack of hatchback cars issue. Wagons WERE UGLY but the new hatchbacks are super nice looking and there’s no reason they can’t carry over that styling to…
Agree. These are not omlettes.