
Generally speaking the problem with “range extenders” is that the negatively impact the both the speeds of the devices that connect to them and the whole network due to the way that they try to relay info back to the main access point. Mesh networks use a different kind of technology that should be better at ensuring

Generally speaking the problem with “range extenders” is that the negatively impact the both the speeds of the

Expecting basic logic from Trump or his supporters? Sad!

I could write a long as self-aggrandizing message, but the boiled-down point of the matter is it doesn’t matter who you are, if there’s an ounce of decency or wisdom in you its everyone’s job to stand up and reject “this” no matter what false narrative it is.

Oh, I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I’m saying that these people are likely the kind that voted for Asshat - and the Republican party has been using the politics of Fear. Asshat’s campaign made it “okay” to insert xenophobia, racism, misogyny, and a slew of other phobias into the mix for shits and giggles.

This is what Herr Asshat’s message during his campaign has wrought. When you encourage fear and blind hatred... You get fear and blind hatred. This was fear. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to suffering.

@Phunkydiabetic - We put up with it through 8 years of Obama. Turn about is cathartic. On a more serious note - yes, I do plan on rubbing in on his choices of advisors and cabinet staff - they range from grossly incompetent to holy-shit racist. He may not directly support his sieg-heil-ing supporters and their

Problems are often only started in 150 characters or less. It usually takes quite a bit more effort to solve them.

I’m never afraid to let all my fucks out. Especially at work, where when the shit hits the fan, I tell people: “Fuck, the shit hit the fan - here’s how we clean it up and flush that shit down the toliet...” I seem to still have a job. Mostly because I put action to words, clean the shit up no matter how metaphorical

Yeah, even I get sucked into “oh, when will someone else fix it.” mode. I’m already in the high-tech industry. Software development/engineering. I got there by self-studying computer science, and I’ve got a knack with databases which puts me at the higher end of the scale.

Had to stop chopping onions, too.

I guess I need to vacuum the couch. So much dust and grit in the air. All in my eyes and stuff.

“Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?”

You do realize that’s about 3 times above the speed of the average american who didn’t vote, right?

Maybe the Democrats are just catering to the population? A country that spends close to $10 billion on an election and the only topic of conversation is, “where are the emails she deleted? Who’s pussy was he grabbing?” deserves all the gifs.

You know the old proverb, “idle bowels are the devil’s workshop”.


I’ve heard women don’t poop or fart. Have I been misled?

I think I might know a certain someone who the shit out of this problem

As an Indiana resident, Pence would be way, way worse.

President Pence sounds just as horrifying.