@garyihoare: How do you figure? To censor is to examine in order to suppress or delete any contents considered objectionable. That can be in virtually any context. One can even self-censor. I do it regularly.
@garyihoare: How do you figure? To censor is to examine in order to suppress or delete any contents considered objectionable. That can be in virtually any context. One can even self-censor. I do it regularly.
@TheCrudMan: ...you're welcome to look at it however you like, but the story seems to be that Apple approached Verizon, who didn't like the conditions and told Jobs to take a hike. We don't know who ultimately walked, and I suppose we never will, but Verizon said "we said no" and Apple refrained from commenting. Frame…
@TheCrudMan: Except that, as we learned back in 2007, it seems that Apple did want to work with Verizon. Apple went to Verizon first. Verizon said no. Ostensibly because Jobs wanted too much control over distribution and service for Verizon's taste. Or so the story goes.
@justinpe: Out of curiosity: are you a former android user, as well as an iphone user? I know you have iphones, but I'm trying to discern what your actual intentions are here—I feel like you frequently post on android articles, and I'm not sure if it's because you're a frustrated former android user, or just an iphone…
@NRSander: India, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, Mexico, most of South America, most of the Caribbean, Pakistan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Ukraine...shall I go on? There are a lot of places that have CDMA coverages of one sort or another. VZW has international roaming (CDMA) rates for something like 40…
@StandardResponse: Pastels, actually.
@Juliana Peña: Slightly different situations. These cases were charitable donations, not developer donations. Presumably all 501c3 registered, in at least the case of the Paypal charities.
@8x10: Bill Nye did, though!
@dion.roberts: I haven't seen anything that says you have to have cable service to use GoogleTV, either. Did you watch the clip? Did you see Netflix, Youtube, Amazon (presumably on demand), and—especially—DNLA on there? Hulu wouldn't be a big surprise, either—given the fact that there's ostensibly chrome with flash…
@Brian Lam: I believe Sidetalker was hypothesizing that the manufacturing issues to which Apple refers more have to do with color than anything else, and was confused as to why a discussion of plastic came up for a product with a metal and glass design.
@n. alexander ligon: I think you mean "you", not "u." I believe you also omitted a comma. Plus, your sentences are horribly constructed and incomplete. You know. If we're going to be correcting people. :)
@phytonix: Um. You're wrong.
@Drummertist: For one thing, you're wrong. Google Voice augmented iPhone functionality. The distinction is important. Moreover, there exist basic dialer and SMS apps aplenty in the Appstore that directly replicate functionality. Either you know that and don't care, or you don't bother to have any clue what you're…
@Drummertist: As far as I know, no platform other than Android has it yet—though they've said it'll eventually come to other platforms. Here's the thing, though. Google tried to release Voice on the iPhone and got smacked down. Even more relevant, they wanted to release an app version of Latitude, or integrate it into…
@skt.smth: No, they're not. Nor should they be. And you must be having a difficult time reading, since I didn't say they should, and I did buy something more to my liking, with which I'm very happy. They are, however, required to abide by competition laws that govern anticompetitive practices, and are subject to…
@skt.smth: "Smartphones don't play the same role as PCs for the vast majority of people who use them. In other words, people aren't replacing traditional computers with smartphones."
Finally! A way to make it more shatter prone!
That does sound like him, even if it by chance were not. You know, I've got to be honest—It's things like this that I find infuriating about Jobs. What, does he think he's a Jedi or something? "There is no reception issue"? That's interesting, 'cause I've heard enough reports and seen it demonstrated enough (including…