
You guys might think that she is going over board with her demands but that is what she is supposed to do. Once the divorce is final she can’t go back and say I want more. Being demanding will probably lead to a fairer out come for her. Also when I see stuff like this get out, I wonder who is putting it out there and

Sorry but I’m on her side 100%. Kostner is sitting his 60 y/o miserly ass atop a $270 million dollar mountain of gold and he can’t spare a decent chunk of it for his wife of 20 years and his kids? Yesyesyes she signed a prenup but fuck that noise! TF is all that money going to? Gold leaf toilet paper?

All the blind and not-so-blind items are claiming Costner got a bartender in Montana where Yellowstone was filming pregnant, so I don’t blame her for dragging it out to the extreme and making him spend $ for rebuttals.

I think her husband drove a lot of her career choices. She was very young when he became her manager and then married her as soon as he could (gross). Her voice is amazing. I’ve commented before on this site about how, “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now,” is some of her best work. I wish she had gone more in a quirky

I think a lot of people made fun of her for being a dorky weirdo, particularly in the 90s. It just was not cool to be different or earnest back then.

I will use self check out when I get a job at the grocery store.

Maybe it’s okay to be critical of the scab-adjacent corporate shilling of a high profile pop star with a big platform and his own comms team even if we think the scab-adjacency of that shilling is borne more of ignorance than malice.  It’s not like Starbucks’ union busting is new or unknown, and it’s maybe selling out

I’m wondering if the Ed Sheeran team even thought about this, or if it’s more an Extremely Online thing to know which Starbucks was a union busting offender 2 years ago.

Are we having fun yet? is almost as bad as “Working hard or hardly working?” 

“Time to lean, time to clean,” has been around for decades - really, decades. It was rude and crude since the first time some jackass boss said it. 

Hard to believe any of these phrases are actually uttered in a restaurant. Years ago, back in the 20th century, I was working in a restaurant and someone said “the customer is always right” and everybody in the place laughed. 

“I’m never shopping here again!”

This is never true. This is always said by a regular customer who is trying to up their level of difficulty, they never stick to it, and the next Saturday, I’m stuck dealing with them again. 

If you spent less time leaning on your dirty workstation trying to think of half baked witticisms and more time doing your job people probably wouldn’t say it to you 🤷‍♂️

Another cursed phrase that has to go away: “start slideshow.”

So close 15 minutes earlier.

Re: “Are we having fun yet?”

Blame Bill Griffith. To be fair, it used to be hilarious:

I don’t mind a few of those. Asking about closing hours is pretty normal. And I did have a boss who used the “If you can lean you can clean.” I agreed with her. If everyone cleans up instead of just lounging (outside of break time) then we all get out of there earlier and cleanliness of a restaurant or any public

1. 9 times out of 10 if someone says “please make it fresh” it’s because that person got nasty food that was rubbery, dry and old that sat under a heat lamp in the past, and when you pay $12+ for fast food these days, you want at least some semblance of your money’s worth . How many times have I paid more than one

It’s functionally the same as “What time do you close?”

“How late are you open?”