
Looking forward to reading tomorrow how it’s all Jason Sudekis’ fault!

I am fascinated how astrology has become a big thing again. Also, my favorite Doors song is the live version of Roadhouse Blues in which Jim Morrison says he thinks astrology is a bunch of bullshit.

Pretty sure he wasn’t cast for his acting skills. It’s just a rumor, but I heard he might have it in good with the director...

You see, mixed accent couples weren’t legalized until 1970 so Styles’ character is clearly struggling to keep up the façade in a society that won’t accept his relationship with Pugh. The psychological strain is breaking apart his identity.

I had to watch that clip several times to try and understand what the hell was going on with that accent. At first I thought he was just playing a working class British character, which would make sense! But then he started fluctuating between some parody of an Italian tough guy from different parts of the East Coast

Shut. The. Hell. Up. I’m so tired of hearing about this. Process servers only pull these types of dramatics when they can’t get at you at your primary residence. If she had accepted at home, then none of this would’ve happened.

Olivia Wilde is an extremely intelligent Woman who MUST work with a variety of lawyers across different specialities per her position in life...studios, accountants, real estate...divorce. The idea she has no clue how papers are served is ridiculous and insulting to the general public. Lady, your husband may (or may

Sudeikis served Wilde custody papers while she was onstage at CinemaCon

This will all look so weird in a couple of years when Styles has moved on.

This is huge among my social circle. We are all first generation college students who went to community college and eventually transferred to Cal State schools. $10k is a pretty big chunk of our student loan debt. I went to grad school at a Cal State and graduated with 30k in student loan debt. I was able to pay it

Exactly! I’m 40, make $100k and this will wipe out my remaining loans. That’s a lot of money I can now use to make much-needed fixes to my home. A lot of my friends can now save that $10k and maybe buy a home, or pay off other debt. This puts us so much closer financially to our friends who didn’t have student debt.

Exactly. I’m 42, I make $75k/year and I’m divorced with three children; I have $30,000 in student debt - this would knock out a third of it. That is HUGELY meaningful to me.

The average student debt load in the U.S. is around $28,000. $10-20K in forgiveness for people making under $125k isn’t a panacea, but it’s a step forward.

Yeah I know this is just par for the course with Jez at this point and I shouldn’t be surprised but still it annoys me to see this BS. Especially when it’s so blatant. Absolutely no mention of anyone who’s in a situation that a large chunk of borrowers are in.

Don’t underplay this.

It’s idiotic, she’s not going to be struggling at all as an orthopedic surgeon. She could buy a used car with her first real paycheck.

A quick check online shows virtually nowhere in Iowa that it takes longer than 30 min. Take your kid and go get vaccinated. Get them vaccinated too.

What long lines? That sounds bogus. 

Long lines? It’s August 2022, you don’t need to wait in line to get vaccinated. Put a mask on your kid and go to literally any pharmacy and get vaccinated. No lines involved. 

I’m 100% onboard with student loan forgiveness, but I don’t get why Handcox is “struggling to make ends meet”. Even if she makes the minimum for an orthopedic surgeon, $150,000, that’s $12,500 a month, ignoring that her husband may have an income, and she says she’s paying $1,800 a month minimum on student loans. If I